Vector Argentina flag

The Argentina flag is a beautiful and symbolic representation of the nation. It features a sky blue and white horizontal triband with a sun of may in the middle. This design has its roots in the country's fight for independence from Spain in the early 19th century. The sun of may is a symbol of the Inca civilization and was adopted as a sign of freedom and independence during the Argentine War of Independence. The blue and white stripes are said to represent the clear skies and white clouds above Argentina's plains. The three stripes are also said to represent the three parts of the country: the Pampas, the Gran Chaco, and the Patagonia.  The Argentina flag is a powerful symbol of the nation's proud history and independence. It is available to download in a variety of formats including PNG, JPG, SVG, PDF, and WEBP. With a single click you can easily copy the Argentina flag as SVG and incorporate it into your own projects.

Copy as SVG
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El Salvador
Vector England flag‍
Vector Equatorial Guinea flag
Equatorial Guinea
Vector Eritrea flag
Vector Estonia flag
Vector Eswatini flag
Vector Ethiopia flag
Vector Europe flag
Vector Falkland Islands flag‍
Falkland Islands
Vector Faroe Islands flag
Faroe Islands
Vector Fiji flag
Vector Finland flag
France flag
Vector French Guiana flag
French Guiana
Vector French Polynesia flag
French Polynesia
Vector Gabon flag‍
Vector Galicia flag
Vector Gambia flag‍
Vector Georgia flag‍
Vector Germany flag
Vector Ghana flag‍
Vector Gibraltar flag‍
Vector Greece flag‍
Vector Greenland flag
Vector Grenada flag‍
Vector Grenadines flag

Wall of love

Twitter comments that puts a smile on our face
"These icons are solid"
Co-founder, The OG App (by Un1Feed Corporation)
Designer, Cricut
"Ce level de pixel-perfection 👌"
Design lead, IBM
“In love with these icons and website design overall 😍”
Designer, OneReach
"Lovely lil icons!"
Designer, Patreon
"Superb icons. 🙌"
Designer, Unacademy
“...icon set you released is great! 🤝 Good work pal.”
Designer, Tailwind Labs
"Love those 😍"
Designer, Shopify
"What a beautiful icon set 💯"
Founder, Create Video
"Now that's an icon set. This is a must have for any web project. Super modular and broad range!

Well done 🔥"
Founder, Glorify
"These icons are solid"
Co-founder, The OG App (by Un1Feed Corporation)
Designer, Cricut
"Ce level de pixel-perfection 👌"
Design lead, IBM
“In love with these icons and website design overall 😍”
Designer, OneReach
"Lovely lil icons!"
Designer, Patreon
"Superb icons. 🙌"
Designer, Unacademy
“...icon set you released is great! 🤝 Good work pal.”
Designer, Tailwind Labs
"Love those 😍"
Designer, Shopify
"What a beautiful icon set 💯"
Founder, Create Video
"Now that's an icon set. This is a must have for any web project. Super modular and broad range!

Well done 🔥"
Founder, Glorify

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