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Here, you can browse through a wide variety of categories to find the perfect icons for your project. Simply click on a category to view all the icons within it, or use the search function to filter the icons by keyword. So take a look around and find the perfect icons for your project!

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Here are some random icons you might like
Box cross vector icon‍
Box cross
Free upload icon
User love vector icon
User love
Free emoji blink icon
Emoji blink
Free pizza slice icon
Pizza slice 2
Free mouse down icon
Mouse down
Search file vector icon‍
Search list
Empty box vector icon‍
Empty box
Free trash clock icon
Trash clock
Free minus big icon
Minus big
Free crown icon
Free shield off icon
Shield off
Dots vertical vector icon
Dots vertical
Free drink icon
Drink 3
Scooter vector icon
Free hashtag icon
Heart minus vector icon
Heart minus

Wall of love

Twitter comments that puts a smile on our face
"These icons are solid"
Co-founder, The OG App (by Un1Feed Corporation)
Designer, Cricut
"Ce level de pixel-perfection 👌"
Design lead, IBM
“In love with these icons and website design overall 😍”
Designer, OneReach
"Lovely lil icons!"
Designer, Patreon
"Superb icons. 🙌"
Designer, Unacademy
“...icon set you released is great! 🤝 Good work pal.”
Designer, Tailwind Labs
"Love those 😍"
Designer, Shopify
"What a beautiful icon set 💯"
Founder, Create Video
"Now that's an icon set. This is a must have for any web project. Super modular and broad range!

Well done 🔥"
Founder, Glorify
"These icons are solid"
Co-founder, The OG App (by Un1Feed Corporation)
Designer, Cricut
"Ce level de pixel-perfection 👌"
Design lead, IBM
“In love with these icons and website design overall 😍”
Designer, OneReach
"Lovely lil icons!"
Designer, Patreon
"Superb icons. 🙌"
Designer, Unacademy
“...icon set you released is great! 🤝 Good work pal.”
Designer, Tailwind Labs
"Love those 😍"
Designer, Shopify
"What a beautiful icon set 💯"
Founder, Create Video
"Now that's an icon set. This is a must have for any web project. Super modular and broad range!

Well done 🔥"
Founder, Glorify

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