Vector Peru flag

The Peru Flag is a symbol of national pride for the people of Peru. It is a rectangular banner with a white field and a red stripe near the hoist side. The red stripe is accompanied by a horizontal stripe of white and a vertical stripe of blue in the middle. This beautiful flag is a reminder of the courage and strength of the Peruvian people.The Peru Flag is available in a variety of formats such as PNG, WEBP, JPG, SVG and PDF files. It is easy to use and can be copied as SVG right away with just a few clicks. The vector files are also free to download and use in any design project. The Peru Flag is a great way to show your support for the country of Peru and its people.

Copy as SVG
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7.6-2.5 11.2 1 3.5 3.4.3 9 4 14s5.9 1.2 8.6 5.5c2.7 4.4.5 6.6 2.2 11.7 1.7 5.1 8.4 3.1 10.9 10.8 2.5 7.6-1 20.7-1 20.7Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M478.1 564.8c-5.5-26.2-27-57-52.6-79.5 15.3 12 44.9 40.5 54.4 79.3l-1.8.2Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M460.2 524.4c-4.2-2.9-7.3-2.8-10.5-3.2 3-.2 5.9-.5 9.5 1.1l1 2.1Zm-15.2-19c-4.5-1.4-7.4-.3-10.6.4 2.8-1.2 5.5-2.4 9.2-2l1.4 1.7Zm4.4 3.5c-2.2-5.6-2.2-9.7-2.5-14 -.1 3.9-.3 7.8.9 12.6l1.6 1.4Zm13.5 18.1c-2.2-5.5-2.2-9.6-2.5-14 -.1 4-.3 7.9 1 12.7l1.5 1.3Zm92.3 155c-8.3-3.1-17.2 0-23.9-2.4 -7.2-2.6 1.1-8.6-4.4-10.4 -5.6-1.8-10.2 5.7-17.8 3.2 -7.6-2.4-6.3-10-12.5-11.4 -6.3-1.3-6.4 7.2-13.9 4.9 -7.4-2.3-7.5-12.3-16-15.7 -8.2-3.4-9-11.4-1.3-13.4 5.2-1.3 10.3 2 18 .2 7.7-1.8 7-8.7 13.1-7.1 6.1 1.5 4.4 10.4 11.4 13.2 7 2.8 11.4-4.9 16.7-2 5.3 3 .3 9.5 4.6 13.7 4.4 4.3 7.8-2.3 14.2 4.2 6.4 6.6 11.8 23 11.8 23Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" 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4.5-7.7 12.3-6.8 12.8 1.5 .4 5.5-3.6 10-3.2 18.2 .4 8.2 7 9 4.5 14.8 -2.5 5.9-10.7 2.2-14.5 8.8 -4 6.5 2.7 12.5-1 17.3 -3.7 4.8-9-1.7-13.9 1.9 -4.8 3.5 1 8.3-6.4 13.5 -7.4 5.2-23.9 7-23.9 7Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M577.5 756.8C605.8 739 627 706 642.3 664c-7.6 24.7-27.4 74.7-65.6 96.3l.8-3.4Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M613 723.3c1.6-6.6.5-11.2-.2-16 1.2 4.3 2.5 8.5 2 14.1l-1.9 2Zm15-26c0-6.9-2.1-11-4-15.5 2.3 3.9 4.5 7.6 5.4 13.2l-1.4 2.3Zm-2.1 7.1c5.2-4.3 9.6-5.1 14.1-6.5 -4.3.7-8.5 1.1-13.2 4l-1 2.5ZM611 727.8c5.1-4.3 9.6-5 14-6.4 -4.2.6-8.4 1-13.2 3.9l-.8 2.5ZM557.4 639c3.6-8.6.8-18.5 3.6-25.6 3-7.5 8.7 2 10.7-3.8 2.1-5.9-5.2-11.5-2.4-19.5 2.8-8 10.6-6 12.2-12.6 1.6-6.6-7-7.5-4.3-15.3 2.7-7.9 13-7.1 16.8-16 3.7-8.6 12-8.8 13.6-.3 1 5.7-2.5 11-1 19.5 1.4 8.4 8.4 8.2 6.6 14.7 -1.9 6.5-10.8 3.8-14 11.2 -3.2 7.3 4.4 12.6 1.2 18.2 -3.2 5.5-9.6-.6-14.1 3.8 -4.6 4.4 2 8.5-5 15 -7 6.4-24 10.7-24 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5.6-12.4 9.4-9 2.6 2.2 1.5 6 5.2 9.5s8.4 1 11.3 4.5c3 3.5 2.3 6.4 2.4 12.3 0 6 4.1 3.6 3.6 8.6 -.5 5-3.9 6.1-5.7 11.4 -1.8 5.2 5.2 6.2 2.3 14.1 -2.8 7.9-31 24-31 24Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M499.2 585.6c24.4-21.6 36.5-63.2 18.3-94h-.001c9.03 15.11 11.93 33.11 8.1 50.3v0c-3.96 16.79-12.55 32.14-24.8 44.3l-1.6-.6Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M522.3 550.8v0c-1.97-4.47-4.95-8.4-8.7-11.5 2.6 1 7.1 6.2 9.2 9.2l-.5 2.3Zm4-26.8c-3-3.2-6.1-3.5-9.2-4.2 3 .1 6.2.1 9.2 2v2.2Zm1.1.2c1.8-6 4.4-9.6 7-13.7 -2.7 3.5-5.4 7-7.4 11.8l.4 1.9Zm-4.2 27.5c1.7-5.9 7.8-3.8 12.4-5.2 -3.5 0-10.8-1.5-13 3.3l.6 1.9Zm-44.3 24.2c-6.5-4.6-4.6-15.7-9.7-19.5 -5.5-4-6.7 3.8-10.8.6 -4-3.2-2.7-8.6-8.2-13 -5.6-4.4-9.5.2-13.5-3.6 -4-3.9.5-4.8-4.9-9.2 -5.4-4.3-13.9-.8-20.6-5.5 -6.7-4.6-13.8-2.3-11.9 3.8 1.3 4 5.2 5.4 7.3 11.4 2 6-2 8.8 2.1 12.5 4.1 3.7 9.9-.5 15.5 3.4s2 6.5 7 9.2c5 2.7 7.1 0 12.7 1.5 5.7 1.5 4.2 9.2 12.7 11.4 8.5 2.1 22.3-3 22.3-3Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M492.6 578.5c-28.8-4-64.1-25.6-91.1-52.7 14.5 16.3 48.3 47.3 91 54.8l.1-2Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M447.2 561.7c-3.5-4.5-3.8-8-4.6-11.6 .2 3.3.1 6.7 2.3 10.6l2.3 1Zm-22-15.6c-2-5-1.1-8.4-.7-12 -1 3.2-2 6.4-1.3 10.7l2 1.4Zm4.1 4.7c-6.2-2-10.6-1.6-15.3-1.6 4.2-.5 8.4-1 13.7 0l1.6 1.6Zm21 13.8c-6.2-2-10.6-1.7-15.3-1.7 4.2-.4 8.4-1 13.7 0l1.6 1.7Zm50.2 41c-8-3.5-6.6-15.4-13-18.4 -6.8-3-7.7 5.4-12.7 2.9 -5.1-2.6-3.9-8.5-10.8-12 -7-3.4-11.3 2.3-16.3-1 -5-3.2.3-5-6.5-8.5s-16.5 2-25-1.6c-8.1-3.4-16.4.4-13.7 6.4 1.8 4 6.6 4.5 9.5 10.4 2.9 5.8-1.7 9.6 3.5 12.6s11.7-2.5 18.6.4c7 3 2.9 6.4 9 8.2 6 1.8 8.5-1.5 15.3-1 6.8.4 5.7 8.7 16 9.2 10.2.6 26.1-7.6 26.1-7.6Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M517 605.6c-34.5 1.6-78.1-13.7-112.2-36.4 18.4 14 61 39.5 112.3 38.5l-.1-2.1Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M461.8 597.2c-4.5-3.9-5.1-7.5-6.3-11.1 .4 3.5.6 7 3.5 10.6l2.8.5Zm-27.3-11.7c-2.8-4.8-2-8.5-1.8-12.4 -.9 3.6-2 7.1-.6 11.4l2.4 1Zm5.3 4c-7.5-.8-12.8.5-18.4 1.4 5-1.3 10-2.7 16.3-2.8l2 1.4Zm26 10c-7.6-.8-12.8.5-18.4 1.5 5-1.4 9.9-2.8 16.3-2.8l2 1.4Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M517.5 629.7c-8.3-3-7.6-15-14.2-17.5 -7-2.7-7.3 5.9-12.6 3.7 -5.2-2.2-4.3-8.2-11.5-11.2s-11.1 3-16.3 0c-5.2-2.9 0-5-7-8s-16.4 3-25 0c-8.5-3-16.5 1.4-13.4 7.2 2 3.9 7 4.1 10.2 9.7 3.2 5.7-1 9.7 4.3 12.4 5.3 2.7 11.5-3.2 18.6-.8 7.2 2.5 3.3 6.2 9.5 7.6 6.1 1.4 8.4-2 15.2-2 6.8 0 6.3 8.3 16.5 8.2 10.3-.2 25.7-9.3 25.7-9.3Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M534 628.6c-34.4 3.9-79-8.6-114.4-29 19.3 12.7 63.4 35.4 114.6 31.1l-.3-2Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M478.3 623.9c-4.8-3.7-5.6-7.2-7-10.8 .6 3.5 1 7 4.1 10.4l3 .4Zm-28-10c-3-4.6-2.6-8.4-2.7-12.3 -.6 3.7-1.4 7.3.2 11.4l2.5 1Zm5.5 3.7c-7.6-.4-12.7 1.3-18.3 2.6 5-1.7 9.8-3.4 16.2-3.9l2 1.3Zm26.6 8.3c-7.6-.3-12.7 1.3-18.3 2.6 5-1.6 9.8-3.4 16.2-3.8l2 1.2Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M207.2 997.4c6.6-4.3 15.2-3.2 20.6-6.6 5.7-3.5-3-7 1.5-9.7 4.5-2.5 10.3 3 16.5-.5 6.2-3.5 3.3-9.9 8.5-12.1 5.2-2.3 7.3 5 13.4 1.5 6-3.3 3.8-12 10.6-16.4 6.6-4.4 5.5-11.4-1.8-11.7 -4.9-.1-8.7 3.6-16 3.5 -7.2 0-8-6-13.1-3.6 -5 2.4-1.5 9.7-7.1 13.4 -5.6 3.8-11.2-2-15.2 1.5s1.9 8-1 12.5 -7.4-.5-11.6 6.3c-4.3 6.8-5.3 21.9-5.3 21.9Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M202 1007c14.5-26 42.6-46.3 79-61.5 -21.5 7.7-64.6 27.1-82 62.4l3-.8Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M230 974c5.7-1.7 9.7-.9 14-.4v0c-4.03-1.32-8.29-1.8-12.5-1.4l-1.6 1.8Zm22.1-14.5c6.1-.2 9.8 1.6 13.9 3.1 -3.5-1.8-7-3.8-11.9-4.4l-2 1.3Zm-6.1 2.2c3.6-4.9 4.1-8.9 5.1-13 -.4 3.8-.6 7.7-2.9 12l-2.2 1Zm-20 14.1c3.6-4.8 4.1-8.9 5.1-13 -.4 3.9-.6 7.7-2.8 12.1l-2.3 1Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M210.3 1024.5c9 3.6 19.3 0 26.7 2.7 7.8 3-1.9 9.7 4.2 11.8 6.2 2 11.9-6.4 20.2-3.7 8.4 2.8 6.5 11.5 13.4 13 6.9 1.4 7.6-8.2 15.8-5.6 8.2 2.6 7.6 14 17 17.8 9 3.8 9.4 12.9.6 15.1 -5.9 1.5-11.5-2.1-20.2 0 -8.8 2-8.4 9.7-15.2 8 -6.8-1.7-4.2-11.8-12-15 -7.6-3.2-13 5.6-18.8 2.3 -5.8-3.4.3-10.7-4.3-15.6 -4.6-4.8-8.8 2.7-15.7-4.7 -6.8-7.4-11.7-26.1-11.7-26.1Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M201.6 1013.7c24 29 63.2 46.9 111.1 56.2 -27.9-3.8-85.2-16.8-115-56.5l3.9.3Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M243.7 1047.8c7.5.6 12.2-1.5 17.3-3.3 -4.5 2.2-8.8 4.6-15 5.1l-2.3-1.8Zm30.6 12.2c7.4-1.3 11.5-4.6 16-7.6 -3.7 3.3-7.4 6.7-13.3 8.8l-2.7-1.2Zm-8-1c5.5 5.1 7.2 10 9.4 15 -1.4-4.8-2.7-9.6-6.5-14.5l-3-.5Zm-27.8-12.4c5.5 5 7.2 10 9.4 15 -1.4-4.8-2.6-9.6-6.5-14.5l-2.9-.5Z"></path><g transform="translate(44 17.4)"><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M207.2 997.4c6.6-4.3 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7.6-8.2 15.8-5.6 8.2 2.6 7.6 14 17 17.8 9 3.8 9.4 12.9.6 15.1 -5.9 1.5-11.5-2.1-20.2 0 -8.8 2-8.4 9.7-15.2 8 -6.8-1.7-4.2-11.8-12-15 -7.6-3.2-13 5.6-18.8 2.3 -5.8-3.4.3-10.7-4.3-15.6 -4.6-4.8-8.8 2.7-15.7-4.7 -6.8-7.4-11.7-26.1-11.7-26.1Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M201.6 1013.7c24 29 63.2 46.9 111.1 56.2 -27.9-3.8-85.2-16.8-115-56.5l3.9.3Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M243.7 1047.8c7.5.6 12.2-1.5 17.3-3.3 -4.5 2.2-8.8 4.6-15 5.1l-2.3-1.8Zm30.6 12.2c7.4-1.3 11.5-4.6 16-7.6 -3.7 3.3-7.4 6.7-13.3 8.8l-2.7-1.2Zm-8-1c5.5 5.1 7.2 10 9.4 15 -1.4-4.8-2.7-9.6-6.5-14.5l-3-.5Zm-27.8-12.4c5.5 5 7.2 10 9.4 15 -1.4-4.8-2.6-9.6-6.5-14.5l-2.9-.5Z"></path></g><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M353.5 1034.1c9.8 1 18.8-5.3 26.7-4.7 9.8 7.2 10 6.4.3 9.9-9.3 18.7-9 8.8.4 9.2 9.2 16.3 8.7 7-.5 5.3-9.9 14-9.6 8.7.3 11 11.2 21 12.3 9.8 1.1 12.5 9.7 4.5 14.3 -5.3 3-11.7 1-19.7 5.4s-5.7 11.7-12.7 12c-7 .1-7.1-10.2-15.5-11.2 -8.3-.9-11.3 9-17.8 7.4 -6.5-1.6-2.4-10.3-8.1-13.7 -5.8-3.3-8 5-16.5-.2s-18-21.7-18-21.7Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M342.3 1026.2c30.8 21 73.5 27.4 122.6 23.2 -28.2 4-87.3 7.3-126.4-22.4l3.8-.8Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M392 1047.2c7.4-1.4 11.5-4.8 16-7.9 -3.8 3.4-7.4 6.8-13.2 9l-2.8-1Zm33 3.3c6.8-3.3 10-7.6 13.6-11.7 -2.8 4.2-5.5 8.4-10.7 12l-3-.3Zm-8.1 1.2c6.6 3.4 9.5 7.6 13 11.7 -2.7-4.1-5.1-8.4-10-12l-3 .3Zm-30.3-4.2c6.7 3.3 9.6 7.6 13 11.7 -2.6-4.2-5-8.4-10-12l-3 .3Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M292.7 1024.5c5-5 13.2-6.2 17.3-10.2 4.4-4.3-4.5-5.2-1-8.4s10.2 0 15-4.4c4.8-4.3.5-8.8 4.7-12 4.3-3 8 2.4 12.7-1.8 4.8-4.2.5-10.7 5.6-16 5-5.2 2.1-10.7-4.7-9.2 -4.5 1-7 5-13.8 6.6 -6.7 1.7-9-3-13 .2 -4.1 3.2 1 8.4-3.1 12.7 -4.2 4.4-10.8 1-13.7 4.8 -2.8 3.9 3.8 6.2 2.3 10.6 -1.5 4.4-7 1.3-9 7.9 -2.2 6.6.7 19.3.7 19.3Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M292 1030.3c6.7-25 25.7-44.8 55.3-65.9 -17.7 11.3-50.8 34.2-57.7 67.3l2.5-1.4Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M307.6 1000c5-2.9 8.9-3.1 13-3.8 -3.8.2-7.6.2-12 1.9l-1 1.8Zm16.8-17.3c5.5-1.6 9.4-1 13.6-.7 -3.7-.7-7.4-1.5-12-.8l-1.6 1.5Zm-5.1 3.3c2-4.8 1.5-8.3 1.3-12 .7 3.4 1.5 6.6.5 10.7l-1.8 1.3Zm-14.8 16.3c2-4.8 1.5-8.2 1.4-11.9 .6 3.3 1.4 6.5.5 10.7l-1.9 1.2Zm41 15c4-6.2 12-9.1 15.4-14.1 3.5-5.3-5.7-4.4-2.8-8.4 3-4 10.4-2.1 14.3-7.6 4-5.5-1.2-9.3 2.4-13.3 3.7-4.1 8.6.8 12.5-4.5 4-5.4-1.7-11.2 2.4-17.7 4-6.4 0-11.5-6.6-8.6 -4.4 2-6.1 6.6-12.6 9.7 -6.4 3-9.8-1.4-13.2 2.8 -3.5 4.1 2.8 8.4-.6 13.8 -3.3 5.4-10.7 3.2-12.8 7.7 -2.1 4.6 5 5.7 4.4 10.5 -.6 4.8-6.7 2.7-7.6 10 -.8 7.2 4.7 19.7 4.7 19.7Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M346 1023.4c1.6-27.1 16.9-51.5 42.6-79.3 -15.7 15.3-44.6 45.6-45 81.3l2.3-2Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M355.6 988.8c4.4-3.8 8.3-4.9 12.3-6.4 -3.8 1-7.6 1.7-11.7 4.3l-.6 2.1Zm13.5-21.1c5.3-2.8 9.3-3 13.6-3.5 -4 0-7.8 0-12.4 1.6l-1.2 1.9Zm-4.6 4.3c1.2-5.3-.1-8.8-1-12.5 1.3 3.2 2.8 6.4 2.6 10.9l-1.6 1.6ZM353 992c1-5.4-.2-8.9-1-12.6 1.3 3.3 2.7 6.4 2.6 10.9L353 992Z"></path><g transform="translate(9.4-7.9)"><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M505.9 948.8c7.7-4.2 11.3-13.2 17.4-16.7 6.6-3.7 5.3 6.8 10.2 3.8 5-3 2.8-11.8 9.5-16 6.7-4 11.3 2.3 16.3-1.6s-.9-10 5.7-14c6.5-4.1 13.6 2.8 21.5-1.4 7.8-4 14 1 10.3 8.3 -2.5 5-8.2 6.6-12 13.8 -3.8 7.2 1.5 11.4-3.6 15 -5.1 3.6-10.2-3.9-16.8-.5 -6.6 3.5-4 12.2-9.6 14.3 -5.6 2-6.8-6.4-12.7-6 -5.9.3-3.5 7.6-12.3 8 -8.8.3-24-7-24-7Z"></path></g><g transform="translate(9.4-7.9)"><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M493.7 948.5c33 .2 67.7-16.3 102-43.7 -18.9 17-61 48.6-104.4 46.2l2.4-2.5Z"></path></g><g transform="translate(9.4-7.9)"><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M540.7 939.4c4.8-4.8 6.1-9.3 8-13.8 -1.1 4.3-2.1 8.6-5.4 13.2l-2.6.6Zm26-14c3.5-5.8 3.7-10.5 4.5-15.3 -.1 4.5 0 8.9-2.2 14.1l-2.3 1.2Zm-5.4 5c6.6-1 10.7.8 15.3 2.1 -4-1.8-7.8-3.7-13.2-3.9l-2.1 1.7Zm-24.4 11.8c6.5-.9 10.7.8 15.3 2.2 -4-1.8-7.9-3.7-13.3-4l-2 1.8Z"></path></g><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M583 716.2c3.6-8.6.8-18.5 3.6-25.6 3-7.5 8.7 2 10.7-3.9s-5.2-11.5-2.3-19.4c2.9-7.9 10.5-6 12.1-12.6 1.6-6.6-7-7.5-4.3-15.4 2.8-7.8 13-7 16.8-15.9 3.7-8.6 12-8.8 13.6-.3 1 5.7-2.5 11-1 19.4 1.4 8.5 8.4 8.3 6.6 14.8 -1.9 6.5-10.8 3.8-14 11.2 -3.2 7.3 4.4 12.6 1.2 18.2 -3.2 5.5-9.6-.6-14.1 3.8 -4.6 4.4 2 8.5-5 15 -7 6.4-24 10.7-24 10.7Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M573 724.4c27-22.6 44.7-59.9 55.2-105.8 -4.6 26.8-18.8 81.6-55.7 109.4l.4-3.6Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M605.4 684.6c.9-7.2-.9-11.7-2.2-16.7 1.8 4.3 3.7 8.5 4 14.4l-1.8 2.3Zm12.3-29.2c-.9-7.2-3.7-11.2-6.1-15.6 2.7 3.7 5.6 7.3 7.2 13l-1.1 2.6Zm-1.3 7.7c4.8-5.2 9.3-6.7 13.9-8.8 -4.4 1.3-8.7 2.4-13.3 6l-.6 2.8ZM604 689.5c4.8-5.2 9.3-6.7 13.9-8.7 -4.4 1.3-8.7 2.4-13.3 6l-.6 2.7Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M572.3 672c4.4-7.6 3-17.3 6.4-23.6 3.7-6.7 8 3 10.6-2.3 2.7-5.3-3.6-11.6 0-18.8 3.7-7.1 10.8-4.3 13-10.3 2.4-6-5.7-8-2.2-15 3.5-7.1 13-5 17.7-13 4.6-7.6 12.4-6.8 12.9 1.5 .4 5.5-3.6 10-3.2 18.2 .3 8.2 7 9 4.5 14.8 -2.6 6-10.7 2.3-14.6 8.8 -3.9 6.5 2.7 12.6-1 17.4 -3.7 4.8-9-1.8-13.8 1.8 -4.8 3.5.9 8.3-6.4 13.5 -7.3 5.2-24 7-24 7Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M561.8 678.5c28.2-17.8 49.4-50.8 64.8-92.9C619 610.3 599 660.3 561 682l.8-3.4Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M597.2 645c1.6-6.6.5-11.2-.1-16 1.1 4.3 2.5 8.5 2 14.1l-2 2Zm15-26c0-6.9-2-11-3.9-15.5 2.2 3.9 4.5 7.6 5.3 13.2l-1.4 2.3Zm-2 7.1c5.1-4.3 9.5-5.1 14-6.5 -4.2.7-8.4 1.1-13.2 4l-.9 2.5Zm-14.9 23.5c5.2-4.4 9.6-5.2 14.1-6.5 -4.2.6-8.5 1-13.2 3.9l-.9 2.6Zm-28.6 126.3c-7.8-5.6-18.2-4.8-24.7-9.2 -6.8-4.7 3.7-8.6-1.7-12 -5.4-3.5-12.5 3-19.9-1.7 -7.3-4.7-3.8-12.3-10-15.4 -6.3-3.1-8.9 5.7-16.1 1.2 -7.3-4.5-4.5-15-12.6-21 -7.8-5.7-6.4-14.3 2.4-14.2 5.9 0 10.4 4.9 19.1 5.2 8.8.3 5-4.3 11.1-1s4.9 12 11.5 17c6.7 4.9 15.2-4.7 20-.1 5 4.5-2.3 9.9 1 15.6 3.5 5.7 9-.3 14 8.3 5 8.6 6 27.3 6 27.3Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M572.9 788.2c-17-33.1-50.6-59.6-94.2-80.4 25.7 10.6 77.4 37 97.7 81.6l-3.5-1.2Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M539.7 745.8c-7-2.5-11.8-1.6-17-1.3 4.7-1 9.2-2 15.2-1l1.8 2.3Zm-26.5-19.1c-7.4-.6-11.8 1.4-16.8 3 4.3-2 8.4-4.3 14.4-4.8l2.4 1.8Zm7.3 3c-4.2-6.2-4.8-11.2-5.9-16.4 .4 4.8.6 9.6 3.3 15.1l2.6 1.2Zm23.9 18.5c-4.2-6.1-4.8-11.1-6-16.3 .5 4.8.7 9.6 3.3 15.1l2.7 1.2Zm30.3 95.2c5.8-6.6 6.3-16.4 11-21.9 4.8-5.8 7.1 4.6 10.7 0 3.7-4.6-1.2-12 3.7-18.3 5-6.3 11.3-2 14.8-7.4 3.4-5.4-4-9 .7-15.2 4.8-6.2 13.7-2.2 19.8-9 6-6.5 13.5-4 12.4 4.2 -.7 5.5-5.5 9-6.7 17.2 -1.3 8.1 5 10.2 1.5 15.4 -3.6 5.2-10.9 0-16 5.5s.2 12.9-4.3 16.8c-4.6 4-8.5-3.6-13.9-1.1 -5.4 2.4-.8 8.3-9 11.9 -8.1 3.5-24.7 1.9-24.7 1.9Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M563.2 847.5c31.1-11.6 58.3-39.4 81.5-77.3 -12.2 22.6-41.4 67.4-83 80.5l1.5-3.2Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M604.3 822.2c3-6.2 2.8-10.9 3-15.8 .4 4.5.9 8.9-.7 14.3l-2.3 1.5Zm19.9-22.3c1.3-6.8 0-11.3-.9-16 1.4 4.2 3 8.3 2.7 14l-1.8 2Zm-3.5 6.5c6-3.2 10.4-3 15.1-3.4 -4.3-.3-8.5-.7-13.7 1l-1.4 2.4Zm-19 19.8c5.8-3.1 10.3-3 15-3.4 -4.3-.2-8.5-.7-13.7 1l-1.4 2.4Z"></path><g transform="rotate(15 310 758.4)"><g transform="rotate(4.99999 93.2 577.1)"><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M527.3 890.5c-3.4-8.8-19.8-13-22.7-20.1 -3-7.6 9.1-5.3 6.6-11 -2.6-5.7-13.4-4-17-11.8 -3.4-7.8 5-12.3 1.3-18.2 -3.6-5.9-11.8 0-15.4-7.5 -3.5-7.6 6-14.8 2.7-24 -3.2-9 4-15.4 11.8-10.6 5.3 3.2 6.2 9.6 13.9 14.4 7.7 4.9 13.7-.6 17 5.4 3.2 6-6.7 11-4 18.5 2.8 7.6 13.6 5.6 15 12 1.2 6.3-9 6.9-9.7 13.4 -.7 6.5 8.3 4.5 7 14.3 -1.3 9.8-6.5 25.2-6.5 25.2Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M520 853.1c-4.7-5.7-13-9-18-11.4h0c6.37 1.79 12.39 4.67 17.8 8.5l.2 3Zm-10-24.9c.4-7.3 3.2-11.8 5.7-16.7 -2.9 4.2-5.9 8.3-7.2 14.3l1.6 2.4Zm12.5 26c.3-7.3-.1-9.7 2.3-14.6 -2.9 4.2-2.6 6.3-3.9 12.3l1.6 2.4Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M525.2 906.6c6.8-36.5-12.8-78.4-38.3-118.7 16.1 22.4 52.2 73.9 40.7 121.6l-2.4-2.9Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M505.4 821.9c-6.2-4.4-11.7-5.1-17.2-6.4 5.2.5 10.5.9 16.2 3.6l1 2.7Z"></path></g></g><g transform="rotate(4.99999 93.2 577.1)"><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M527.3 890.5c-3.4-8.8-19.8-13-22.7-20.1 -3-7.6 9.1-5.3 6.6-11 -2.6-5.7-13.4-4-17-11.8 -3.4-7.8 5-12.3 1.3-18.2 -3.6-5.9-11.8 0-15.4-7.5 -3.5-7.6 6-14.8 2.7-24 -3.2-9 4-15.4 11.8-10.6 5.3 3.2 6.2 9.6 13.9 14.4 7.7 4.9 13.7-.6 17 5.4 3.2 6-6.7 11-4 18.5 2.8 7.6 13.6 5.6 15 12 1.2 6.3-9 6.9-9.7 13.4 -.7 6.5 8.3 4.5 7 14.3 -1.3 9.8-6.5 25.2-6.5 25.2Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M520 853.1c-4.7-5.7-13-9-18-11.4h0c6.37 1.79 12.39 4.67 17.8 8.5l.2 3Zm-10-24.9c.4-7.3 3.2-11.8 5.7-16.7 -2.9 4.2-5.9 8.3-7.2 14.3l1.6 2.4Zm12.5 26c.3-7.3-.1-9.7 2.3-14.6 -2.9 4.2-2.6 6.3-3.9 12.3l1.6 2.4Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M525.2 906.6c6.8-36.5-12.8-78.4-38.3-118.7 16.1 22.4 52.2 73.9 40.7 121.6l-2.4-2.9Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M505.4 821.9c-6.2-4.4-11.7-5.1-17.2-6.4 5.2.5 10.5.9 16.2 3.6l1 2.7Z"></path></g><g transform="rotate(-10 275 690.3)"><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M353.5 1034.1c9.8 1 18.8-5.3 26.7-4.7 9.8 7.2 10 6.4.3 9.9-9.3 18.7-9 8.8.4 9.2 9.2 16.3 8.7 7-.5 5.3-9.9 14-9.6 8.7.3 11 11.2 21 12.3 9.8 1.1 12.5 9.7 4.5 14.3 -5.3 3-11.7 1-19.7 5.4s-5.7 11.7-12.7 12c-7 .1-7.1-10.2-15.5-11.2 -8.3-.9-11.3 9-17.8 7.4 -6.5-1.6-2.4-10.3-8.1-13.7 -5.8-3.3-8 5-16.5-.2s-18-21.7-18-21.7Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M342.3 1026.2c30.8 21 73.5 27.4 122.6 23.2 -28.2 4-87.3 7.3-126.4-22.4l3.8-.8Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M392 1047.2c7.4-1.4 11.5-4.8 16-7.9 -3.8 3.4-7.4 6.8-13.2 9l-2.8-1Zm33 3.3c6.8-3.3 10-7.6 13.6-11.7 -2.8 4.2-5.5 8.4-10.7 12l-3-.3Zm-8.1 1.2c6.6 3.4 9.5 7.6 13 11.7 -2.7-4.1-5.1-8.4-10-12l-3 .3Zm-30.3-4.2c6.7 3.3 9.6 7.6 13 11.7 -2.6-4.2-5-8.4-10-12l-3 .3Z"></path></g><g transform="rotate(10 225.4 653.9)"><g transform="translate(9.4-7.9)"><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M505.9 948.8c7.7-4.2 11.3-13.2 17.4-16.7 6.6-3.7 5.3 6.8 10.2 3.8 5-3 2.8-11.8 9.5-16 6.7-4 11.3 2.3 16.3-1.6s-.9-10 5.7-14c6.5-4.1 13.6 2.8 21.5-1.4 7.8-4 14 1 10.3 8.3 -2.5 5-8.2 6.6-12 13.8 -3.8 7.2 1.5 11.4-3.6 15 -5.1 3.6-10.2-3.9-16.8-.5 -6.6 3.5-4 12.2-9.6 14.3 -5.6 2-6.8-6.4-12.7-6 -5.9.3-3.5 7.6-12.3 8 -8.8.3-24-7-24-7Z"></path></g><g transform="translate(9.4-7.9)"><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M493.7 948.5c33 .2 67.7-16.3 102-43.7 -18.9 17-61 48.6-104.4 46.2l2.4-2.5Z"></path></g><g transform="translate(9.4-7.9)"><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M540.7 939.4c4.8-4.8 6.1-9.3 8-13.8 -1.1 4.3-2.1 8.6-5.4 13.2l-2.6.6Zm26-14c3.5-5.8 3.7-10.5 4.5-15.3 -.1 4.5 0 8.9-2.2 14.1l-2.3 1.2Zm-5.4 5c6.6-1 10.7.8 15.3 2.1 -4-1.8-7.8-3.7-13.2-3.9l-2.1 1.7Zm-24.4 11.8c6.5-.9 10.7.8 15.3 2.2 -4-1.8-7.9-3.7-13.3-4l-2 1.8Z"></path></g></g></g><g transform="matrix(-1 0 0 1 840 .1)"><g transform="matrix(.44722-.20656.2582.35777 89.4-67.3)"><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M480.2 566.9c31.3 33 62.4 68.1 79 111.2 25.1 69.7 18.3 151.5-22.6 214l-.001 0c-35.3 51.51-84.56 91.9-142 116.4h0c-52.51 22-111.41 23.25-164.8 3.5 -20-7.4-38.9-18-57.5-28.3 -8.4-1.4-13.9 8.6-7 13.3 62.4 40.6 130.9 42.2 202 28.2h0c36.1-9.84 69.8-27 99-50.4 44.4-33.2 82.7-77.5 99.8-131 26.2-79 9.3-171.3-45.1-234.6h-.001c-13.84-16.68-28.78-32.41-44.7-47.1l4 4.8Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M170.6 983.3c-8.1-.8-12.2 11.8-5.1 13.6 4.2-1 10.7-12 5-13.6Zm304.2-430.9c-4.5-5.6-14-2.9-17.7-7.3 -4-4.7 2.9-6.5-.3-10 -3-3.5-7.7-1.7-12-6.5 -4.2-4.7-.4-8.8-4-12 -3.7-3.4-4.2.8-8.4-3.8s-1.7-12.7-6.3-18.6c-4.5-5.7-3-12.5 2.5-11.2 3.6.8 5 4.4 10.4 5.7 5.4 1.4 7.6-2.5 11.2 1 3.5 3.4.3 9 4 14s5.9 1.2 8.6 5.5c2.7 4.4.5 6.6 2.2 11.7 1.7 5.1 8.4 3.1 10.9 10.8 2.5 7.6-1 20.7-1 20.7Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M478.1 564.8c-5.5-26.2-27-57-52.6-79.5 15.3 12 44.9 40.5 54.4 79.3l-1.8.2Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M460.2 524.4c-4.2-2.9-7.3-2.8-10.5-3.2 3-.2 5.9-.5 9.5 1.1l1 2.1Zm-15.2-19c-4.5-1.4-7.4-.3-10.6.4 2.8-1.2 5.5-2.4 9.2-2l1.4 1.7Zm4.4 3.5c-2.2-5.6-2.2-9.7-2.5-14 -.1 3.9-.3 7.8.9 12.6l1.6 1.4Zm13.5 18.1c-2.2-5.5-2.2-9.6-2.5-14 -.1 4-.3 7.9 1 12.7l1.5 1.3Zm92.3 155c-8.3-3.1-17.2 0-23.9-2.4 -7.2-2.6 1.1-8.6-4.4-10.4 -5.6-1.8-10.2 5.7-17.8 3.2 -7.6-2.4-6.3-10-12.5-11.4 -6.3-1.3-6.4 7.2-13.9 4.9 -7.4-2.3-7.5-12.3-16-15.7 -8.2-3.4-9-11.4-1.3-13.4 5.2-1.3 10.3 2 18 .2 7.7-1.8 7-8.7 13.1-7.1 6.1 1.5 4.4 10.4 11.4 13.2 7 2.8 11.4-4.9 16.7-2 5.3 3 .3 9.5 4.6 13.7 4.4 4.3 7.8-2.3 14.2 4.2 6.4 6.6 11.8 23 11.8 23Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M563.5 691.6c-22.9-25.6-58.6-41.4-101.8-49.7 25 3.4 76.7 15 105.2 50l-3.4-.3Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M524.3 661.5c-6.7-.6-10.8 1.3-15.2 2.8 3.8-2 7.5-4 13-4.4l2.2 1.6Zm-27.9-10.9c-6.5 1.2-10 4-14 6.7 3.3-2.9 6.4-5.8 11.5-7.7l2.5 1Zm7.2 1c-5.2-4.5-7-8.9-9.1-13.3 1.5 4.3 2.8 8.5 6.4 12.8l2.7.5Zm25.3 11c-5.1-4.5-6.8-8.9-9-13.3v0c1.22 4.66 3.4 9.01 6.4 12.8l2.6.5Zm25.8 223c7-5.4 9.2-15 14.7-19.4 5.8-4.7 6.2 5.9 10.6 2 4.4-3.7.9-12 6.9-17.2 6-5.2 11.4.2 15.8-4.4 4.3-4.7-2.4-9.7 3.4-14.8 5.8-5.2 13.9.5 21-5 7.1-5.3 14-1.4 11.5 6.4 -1.7 5.3-7 7.9-9.7 15.6 -2.6 7.8 3.2 11-1.2 15.5 -4.5 4.4-10.7-2.2-16.7 2.3s-2 12.7-7.3 15.7c-5.1 3-7.6-5.1-13.4-3.8 -5.7 1.4-2.2 8-10.9 10v0c-8.35.56-16.72-.42-24.7-2.9Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M542.7 887.4c32.6-5.3 64.3-27.5 93.8-60.3 -16 19.9-52.6 58.3-95.8 63.1l2-2.8Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M587.6 870.5c4-5.6 4.7-10.2 5.8-15 -.5 4.5-.8 9-3.3 14l-2.5 1Zm23.5-18.1c2.5-6.4 2-11 2-16 .6 4.5 1.4 8.8.1 14.3l-2.1 1.6Zm-4.6 5.7c6.4-2 10.8-1 15.5-.4 -4.2-1.1-8.3-2.4-13.7-1.7l-1.8 2Zm-22.2 15.8c6.3-2 10.7-1 15.4-.4 -4.2-1.1-8.3-2.4-13.7-1.6l-1.7 2Zm2.2-84c5.9-6.6 6.3-16.4 11-21.8 4.9-5.8 7.1 4.5 10.8 0 3.6-4.6-1.3-12.1 3.6-18.4 5-6.2 11.4-2 14.8-7.4 3.4-5.4-4-9 .7-15.2 4.8-6.2 13.7-2.1 19.9-8.9 6-6.6 13.4-4 12.3 4.2 -.7 5.4-5.5 9-6.7 17.1 -1.3 8.2 5.1 10.2 1.5 15.5 -3.6 5.2-10.9-.1-16 5.5 -5 5.6.3 12.9-4.3 16.8 -4.6 3.9-8.5-3.6-13.9-1.2 -5.4 2.5-.8 8.4-9 12 -8.2 3.6-24.7 1.8-24.7 1.8Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M575 794c31.1-11.5 58.3-39.3 81.5-77.3 -12.2 22.6-41.4 67.4-83 80.5l1.5-3.2Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M616.1 768.7c3-6.2 2.8-10.8 3-15.7 .4 4.4.9 8.8-.7 14.3l-2.2 1.4Zm19.9-22.3c1.3-6.7 0-11.2-.9-16 1.4 4.2 3 8.4 2.7 14l-1.8 2Zm-3.5 6.5c6-3.1 10.4-3 15.1-3.3 -4.3-.3-8.5-.7-13.7 1l-1.4 2.3Zm-19 19.8c5.8-3 10.3-3 15-3.3 -4.3-.3-8.5-.7-13.7 1l-1.4 2.3Zm-46.2-31.5c-7.9-5.6-18.3-4.8-24.7-9.3 -6.9-4.6 3.6-8.6-1.8-12 -5.4-3.4-12.4 3-19.8-1.6 -7.4-4.7-3.8-12.4-10-15.5 -6.3-3-9 5.7-16.2 1.2 -7.2-4.5-4.5-15-12.5-20.8 -7.9-5.8-6.4-14.4 2.4-14.3 5.8 0 10.4 4.9 19.1 5.2 8.7.2 5-4.4 11-1 6.2 3.2 5 12 11.6 17 6.7 4.8 15.2-4.7 20-.2 4.8 4.5-2.4 10 1 15.6s9-.2 14 8.4 5.9 27.3 5.9 27.3Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M573.4 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10.3-5.8 12-12.8 1.5-7-6.8-8.3-4.1-16.5 2.6-8.3 12.5-7 16.3-16.2 3.7-9 11.7-8.8 13.2.4 1 6-2.4 11.5-1 20.6 1.3 9.1 8.1 9.3 6.3 16 -1.8 6.9-10.5 3.6-13.7 11.3 -3.1 7.6 4.3 13.7 1.1 19.4 -3.2 5.7-9.3-1-13.8 3.4 -4.4 4.4 2 9.2-4.9 15.7 -6.8 6.5-23.3 10.3-23.3 10.3Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M375.2 1016.4c26.5-22.7 40.7-57.4 51.2-105.9 -4.7 28.3-15.5 82-51.6 109.8l.4-3.9Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M403.8 979.7c.8-7.6-.8-12.6-2-18 1.6 4.8 3.5 9.4 3.6 15.7l-1.6 2.3Zm12-30.5c-.7-7.7-3.4-12-5.8-17 2.7 4.2 5.5 8.1 7 14.3l-1.1 2.7Zm-1.2 8.1c4.7-5.3 9.1-6.6 13.5-8.6 -4.2 1.1-8.5 2-13 5.7l-.5 3ZM402.4 985c4.7-5.3 9.1-6.7 13.5-8.6 -4.2 1.1-8.4 2-12.9 5.6l-.6 3Zm158.7-152.7c-7.2-7.5-19.3-10.1-25.2-16 -6.3-6.3 7-6.5 2-11.2 -5-4.7-15.2-1.3-22-7.7 -7-6.5-.4-12.1-6.5-16.8 -6-4.7-12 2.2-18.7-4.1 -6.8-6.3-.2-14.6-7.4-22.3 -7-7.6-2.6-14.7 7.5-11.8 6.6 1.9 10.2 7.6 20 10.6 10 3 13.7-3 19.5 1.8 5.9 4.8-2 11.2 3.9 17.6 6 6.4 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d="M491.7 578.8c5.2-26.2-2.3-63.4-17-94.8 9.3 17.3 25.2 56 18.7 95.4l-1.7-.6Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M491.1 534.4c-2.7-4.4-5.5-5.7-8.3-7.5 2.8 1.1 5.5 2 8.2 5.1l.1 2.4Zm-6.5-23.8c-3.5-3.2-6.6-3.5-9.8-4.2 3 .1 6 .1 9.3 2l.6 2.2Zm2.7 5c.2-6 1.8-9.8 3.2-14 -1.6 3.7-3.3 7.1-4.1 12l1 2Zm5.3 22.3c.1-6 1.7-9.8 3.1-13.9 -1.6 3.6-3.3 7-4 12l.9 1.9Zm17 37.3c-.1-6.9-6.8-11.4-7.1-16.9 -.3-5.8 14.6-4.3 14.2-8.8 -.4-4.4-5.4-4.8-6-10.8 -.6-6 5.4-8 4.4-12.5s-4.1-1-4.7-6.9c-.6-5.8 2-12.4 1.8-19.5 -.1-7 5.6-12.4 9.4-9 2.6 2.2 1.5 6 5.2 9.5s8.4 1 11.3 4.5c3 3.5 2.3 6.4 2.4 12.3 0 6 4.1 3.6 3.6 8.6 -.5 5-3.9 6.1-5.7 11.4 -1.8 5.2 5.2 6.2 2.3 14.1 -2.8 7.9-31 24-31 24Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M499.2 585.6c24.4-21.6 36.5-63.2 18.3-94h-.001c9.03 15.11 11.93 33.11 8.1 50.3v0c-3.96 16.79-12.55 32.14-24.8 44.3l-1.6-.6Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M522.3 550.8v0c-1.97-4.47-4.95-8.4-8.7-11.5 2.6 1 7.1 6.2 9.2 9.2l-.5 2.3Zm4-26.8c-3-3.2-6.1-3.5-9.2-4.2 3 .1 6.2.1 9.2 2v2.2Zm1.1.2c1.8-6 4.4-9.6 7-13.7 -2.7 3.5-5.4 7-7.4 11.8l.4 1.9Zm-4.2 27.5c1.7-5.9 7.8-3.8 12.4-5.2 -3.5 0-10.8-1.5-13 3.3l.6 1.9Zm-44.3 24.2c-6.5-4.6-4.6-15.7-9.7-19.5 -5.5-4-6.7 3.8-10.8.6 -4-3.2-2.7-8.6-8.2-13 -5.6-4.4-9.5.2-13.5-3.6 -4-3.9.5-4.8-4.9-9.2 -5.4-4.3-13.9-.8-20.6-5.5 -6.7-4.6-13.8-2.3-11.9 3.8 1.3 4 5.2 5.4 7.3 11.4 2 6-2 8.8 2.1 12.5 4.1 3.7 9.9-.5 15.5 3.4s2 6.5 7 9.2c5 2.7 7.1 0 12.7 1.5 5.7 1.5 4.2 9.2 12.7 11.4 8.5 2.1 22.3-3 22.3-3Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M492.6 578.5c-28.8-4-64.1-25.6-91.1-52.7 14.5 16.3 48.3 47.3 91 54.8l.1-2Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M447.2 561.7c-3.5-4.5-3.8-8-4.6-11.6 .2 3.3.1 6.7 2.3 10.6l2.3 1Zm-22-15.6c-2-5-1.1-8.4-.7-12 -1 3.2-2 6.4-1.3 10.7l2 1.4Zm4.1 4.7c-6.2-2-10.6-1.6-15.3-1.6 4.2-.5 8.4-1 13.7 0l1.6 1.6Zm21 13.8c-6.2-2-10.6-1.7-15.3-1.7 4.2-.4 8.4-1 13.7 0l1.6 1.7Zm50.2 41c-8-3.5-6.6-15.4-13-18.4 -6.8-3-7.7 5.4-12.7 2.9 -5.1-2.6-3.9-8.5-10.8-12 -7-3.4-11.3 2.3-16.3-1 -5-3.2.3-5-6.5-8.5s-16.5 2-25-1.6c-8.1-3.4-16.4.4-13.7 6.4 1.8 4 6.6 4.5 9.5 10.4 2.9 5.8-1.7 9.6 3.5 12.6s11.7-2.5 18.6.4c7 3 2.9 6.4 9 8.2 6 1.8 8.5-1.5 15.3-1 6.8.4 5.7 8.7 16 9.2 10.2.6 26.1-7.6 26.1-7.6Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M517 605.6c-34.5 1.6-78.1-13.7-112.2-36.4 18.4 14 61 39.5 112.3 38.5l-.1-2.1Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M461.8 597.2c-4.5-3.9-5.1-7.5-6.3-11.1 .4 3.5.6 7 3.5 10.6l2.8.5Zm-27.3-11.7c-2.8-4.8-2-8.5-1.8-12.4 -.9 3.6-2 7.1-.6 11.4l2.4 1Zm5.3 4c-7.5-.8-12.8.5-18.4 1.4 5-1.3 10-2.7 16.3-2.8l2 1.4Zm26 10c-7.6-.8-12.8.5-18.4 1.5 5-1.4 9.9-2.8 16.3-2.8l2 1.4Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M517.5 629.7c-8.3-3-7.6-15-14.2-17.5 -7-2.7-7.3 5.9-12.6 3.7 -5.2-2.2-4.3-8.2-11.5-11.2s-11.1 3-16.3 0c-5.2-2.9 0-5-7-8s-16.4 3-25 0c-8.5-3-16.5 1.4-13.4 7.2 2 3.9 7 4.1 10.2 9.7 3.2 5.7-1 9.7 4.3 12.4 5.3 2.7 11.5-3.2 18.6-.8 7.2 2.5 3.3 6.2 9.5 7.6 6.1 1.4 8.4-2 15.2-2 6.8 0 6.3 8.3 16.5 8.2 10.3-.2 25.7-9.3 25.7-9.3Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M534 628.6c-34.4 3.9-79-8.6-114.4-29 19.3 12.7 63.4 35.4 114.6 31.1l-.3-2Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M478.3 623.9c-4.8-3.7-5.6-7.2-7-10.8 .6 3.5 1 7 4.1 10.4l3 .4Zm-28-10c-3-4.6-2.6-8.4-2.7-12.3 -.6 3.7-1.4 7.3.2 11.4l2.5 1Zm5.5 3.7c-7.6-.4-12.7 1.3-18.3 2.6 5-1.7 9.8-3.4 16.2-3.9l2 1.3Zm26.6 8.3c-7.6-.3-12.7 1.3-18.3 2.6 5-1.6 9.8-3.4 16.2-3.8l2 1.2Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M207.2 997.4c6.6-4.3 15.2-3.2 20.6-6.6 5.7-3.5-3-7 1.5-9.7 4.5-2.5 10.3 3 16.5-.5 6.2-3.5 3.3-9.9 8.5-12.1 5.2-2.3 7.3 5 13.4 1.5 6-3.3 3.8-12 10.6-16.4 6.6-4.4 5.5-11.4-1.8-11.7 -4.9-.1-8.7 3.6-16 3.5 -7.2 0-8-6-13.1-3.6 -5 2.4-1.5 9.7-7.1 13.4 -5.6 3.8-11.2-2-15.2 1.5s1.9 8-1 12.5 -7.4-.5-11.6 6.3c-4.3 6.8-5.3 21.9-5.3 21.9Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M202 1007c14.5-26 42.6-46.3 79-61.5 -21.5 7.7-64.6 27.1-82 62.4l3-.8Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M230 974c5.7-1.7 9.7-.9 14-.4v0c-4.03-1.32-8.29-1.8-12.5-1.4l-1.6 1.8Zm22.1-14.5c6.1-.2 9.8 1.6 13.9 3.1 -3.5-1.8-7-3.8-11.9-4.4l-2 1.3Zm-6.1 2.2c3.6-4.9 4.1-8.9 5.1-13 -.4 3.8-.6 7.7-2.9 12l-2.2 1Zm-20 14.1c3.6-4.8 4.1-8.9 5.1-13 -.4 3.9-.6 7.7-2.8 12.1l-2.3 1Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M210.3 1024.5c9 3.6 19.3 0 26.7 2.7 7.8 3-1.9 9.7 4.2 11.8 6.2 2 11.9-6.4 20.2-3.7 8.4 2.8 6.5 11.5 13.4 13 6.9 1.4 7.6-8.2 15.8-5.6 8.2 2.6 7.6 14 17 17.8 9 3.8 9.4 12.9.6 15.1 -5.9 1.5-11.5-2.1-20.2 0 -8.8 2-8.4 9.7-15.2 8 -6.8-1.7-4.2-11.8-12-15 -7.6-3.2-13 5.6-18.8 2.3 -5.8-3.4.3-10.7-4.3-15.6 -4.6-4.8-8.8 2.7-15.7-4.7 -6.8-7.4-11.7-26.1-11.7-26.1Z"></path><path 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fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M243.7 1047.8c7.5.6 12.2-1.5 17.3-3.3 -4.5 2.2-8.8 4.6-15 5.1l-2.3-1.8Zm30.6 12.2c7.4-1.3 11.5-4.6 16-7.6 -3.7 3.3-7.4 6.7-13.3 8.8l-2.7-1.2Zm-8-1c5.5 5.1 7.2 10 9.4 15 -1.4-4.8-2.7-9.6-6.5-14.5l-3-.5Zm-27.8-12.4c5.5 5 7.2 10 9.4 15 -1.4-4.8-2.6-9.6-6.5-14.5l-2.9-.5Z"></path></g><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M353.5 1034.1c9.8 1 18.8-5.3 26.7-4.7 9.8 7.2 10 6.4.3 9.9-9.3 18.7-9 8.8.4 9.2 9.2 16.3 8.7 7-.5 5.3-9.9 14-9.6 8.7.3 11 11.2 21 12.3 9.8 1.1 12.5 9.7 4.5 14.3 -5.3 3-11.7 1-19.7 5.4s-5.7 11.7-12.7 12c-7 .1-7.1-10.2-15.5-11.2 -8.3-.9-11.3 9-17.8 7.4 -6.5-1.6-2.4-10.3-8.1-13.7 -5.8-3.3-8 5-16.5-.2s-18-21.7-18-21.7Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M342.3 1026.2c30.8 21 73.5 27.4 122.6 23.2 -28.2 4-87.3 7.3-126.4-22.4l3.8-.8Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M392 1047.2c7.4-1.4 11.5-4.8 16-7.9 -3.8 3.4-7.4 6.8-13.2 9l-2.8-1Zm33 3.3c6.8-3.3 10-7.6 13.6-11.7 -2.8 4.2-5.5 8.4-10.7 12l-3-.3Zm-8.1 1.2c6.6 3.4 9.5 7.6 13 11.7 -2.7-4.1-5.1-8.4-10-12l-3 .3Zm-30.3-4.2c6.7 3.3 9.6 7.6 13 11.7 -2.6-4.2-5-8.4-10-12l-3 .3Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M292.7 1024.5c5-5 13.2-6.2 17.3-10.2 4.4-4.3-4.5-5.2-1-8.4s10.2 0 15-4.4c4.8-4.3.5-8.8 4.7-12 4.3-3 8 2.4 12.7-1.8 4.8-4.2.5-10.7 5.6-16 5-5.2 2.1-10.7-4.7-9.2 -4.5 1-7 5-13.8 6.6 -6.7 1.7-9-3-13 .2 -4.1 3.2 1 8.4-3.1 12.7 -4.2 4.4-10.8 1-13.7 4.8 -2.8 3.9 3.8 6.2 2.3 10.6 -1.5 4.4-7 1.3-9 7.9 -2.2 6.6.7 19.3.7 19.3Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M292 1030.3c6.7-25 25.7-44.8 55.3-65.9 -17.7 11.3-50.8 34.2-57.7 67.3l2.5-1.4Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M307.6 1000c5-2.9 8.9-3.1 13-3.8 -3.8.2-7.6.2-12 1.9l-1 1.8Zm16.8-17.3c5.5-1.6 9.4-1 13.6-.7 -3.7-.7-7.4-1.5-12-.8l-1.6 1.5Zm-5.1 3.3c2-4.8 1.5-8.3 1.3-12 .7 3.4 1.5 6.6.5 10.7l-1.8 1.3Zm-14.8 16.3c2-4.8 1.5-8.2 1.4-11.9 .6 3.3 1.4 6.5.5 10.7l-1.9 1.2Zm41 15c4-6.2 12-9.1 15.4-14.1 3.5-5.3-5.7-4.4-2.8-8.4 3-4 10.4-2.1 14.3-7.6 4-5.5-1.2-9.3 2.4-13.3 3.7-4.1 8.6.8 12.5-4.5 4-5.4-1.7-11.2 2.4-17.7 4-6.4 0-11.5-6.6-8.6 -4.4 2-6.1 6.6-12.6 9.7 -6.4 3-9.8-1.4-13.2 2.8 -3.5 4.1 2.8 8.4-.6 13.8 -3.3 5.4-10.7 3.2-12.8 7.7 -2.1 4.6 5 5.7 4.4 10.5 -.6 4.8-6.7 2.7-7.6 10 -.8 7.2 4.7 19.7 4.7 19.7Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M346 1023.4c1.6-27.1 16.9-51.5 42.6-79.3 -15.7 15.3-44.6 45.6-45 81.3l2.3-2Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M355.6 988.8c4.4-3.8 8.3-4.9 12.3-6.4 -3.8 1-7.6 1.7-11.7 4.3l-.6 2.1Zm13.5-21.1c5.3-2.8 9.3-3 13.6-3.5 -4 0-7.8 0-12.4 1.6l-1.2 1.9Zm-4.6 4.3c1.2-5.3-.1-8.8-1-12.5 1.3 3.2 2.8 6.4 2.6 10.9l-1.6 1.6ZM353 992c1-5.4-.2-8.9-1-12.6 1.3 3.3 2.7 6.4 2.6 10.9L353 992Z"></path><g transform="translate(9.4-7.9)"><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M505.9 948.8c7.7-4.2 11.3-13.2 17.4-16.7 6.6-3.7 5.3 6.8 10.2 3.8 5-3 2.8-11.8 9.5-16 6.7-4 11.3 2.3 16.3-1.6s-.9-10 5.7-14c6.5-4.1 13.6 2.8 21.5-1.4 7.8-4 14 1 10.3 8.3 -2.5 5-8.2 6.6-12 13.8 -3.8 7.2 1.5 11.4-3.6 15 -5.1 3.6-10.2-3.9-16.8-.5 -6.6 3.5-4 12.2-9.6 14.3 -5.6 2-6.8-6.4-12.7-6 -5.9.3-3.5 7.6-12.3 8 -8.8.3-24-7-24-7Z"></path></g><g transform="translate(9.4-7.9)"><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M493.7 948.5c33 .2 67.7-16.3 102-43.7 -18.9 17-61 48.6-104.4 46.2l2.4-2.5Z"></path></g><g transform="translate(9.4-7.9)"><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M540.7 939.4c4.8-4.8 6.1-9.3 8-13.8 -1.1 4.3-2.1 8.6-5.4 13.2l-2.6.6Zm26-14c3.5-5.8 3.7-10.5 4.5-15.3 -.1 4.5 0 8.9-2.2 14.1l-2.3 1.2Zm-5.4 5c6.6-1 10.7.8 15.3 2.1 -4-1.8-7.8-3.7-13.2-3.9l-2.1 1.7Zm-24.4 11.8c6.5-.9 10.7.8 15.3 2.2 -4-1.8-7.9-3.7-13.3-4l-2 1.8Z"></path></g><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M583 716.2c3.6-8.6.8-18.5 3.6-25.6 3-7.5 8.7 2 10.7-3.9s-5.2-11.5-2.3-19.4c2.9-7.9 10.5-6 12.1-12.6 1.6-6.6-7-7.5-4.3-15.4 2.8-7.8 13-7 16.8-15.9 3.7-8.6 12-8.8 13.6-.3 1 5.7-2.5 11-1 19.4 1.4 8.5 8.4 8.3 6.6 14.8 -1.9 6.5-10.8 3.8-14 11.2 -3.2 7.3 4.4 12.6 1.2 18.2 -3.2 5.5-9.6-.6-14.1 3.8 -4.6 4.4 2 8.5-5 15 -7 6.4-24 10.7-24 10.7Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M573 724.4c27-22.6 44.7-59.9 55.2-105.8 -4.6 26.8-18.8 81.6-55.7 109.4l.4-3.6Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M605.4 684.6c.9-7.2-.9-11.7-2.2-16.7 1.8 4.3 3.7 8.5 4 14.4l-1.8 2.3Zm12.3-29.2c-.9-7.2-3.7-11.2-6.1-15.6 2.7 3.7 5.6 7.3 7.2 13l-1.1 2.6Zm-1.3 7.7c4.8-5.2 9.3-6.7 13.9-8.8 -4.4 1.3-8.7 2.4-13.3 6l-.6 2.8ZM604 689.5c4.8-5.2 9.3-6.7 13.9-8.7 -4.4 1.3-8.7 2.4-13.3 6l-.6 2.7Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M572.3 672c4.4-7.6 3-17.3 6.4-23.6 3.7-6.7 8 3 10.6-2.3 2.7-5.3-3.6-11.6 0-18.8 3.7-7.1 10.8-4.3 13-10.3 2.4-6-5.7-8-2.2-15 3.5-7.1 13-5 17.7-13 4.6-7.6 12.4-6.8 12.9 1.5 .4 5.5-3.6 10-3.2 18.2 .3 8.2 7 9 4.5 14.8 -2.6 6-10.7 2.3-14.6 8.8 -3.9 6.5 2.7 12.6-1 17.4 -3.7 4.8-9-1.8-13.8 1.8 -4.8 3.5.9 8.3-6.4 13.5 -7.3 5.2-24 7-24 7Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M561.8 678.5c28.2-17.8 49.4-50.8 64.8-92.9C619 610.3 599 660.3 561 682l.8-3.4Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M597.2 645c1.6-6.6.5-11.2-.1-16 1.1 4.3 2.5 8.5 2 14.1l-2 2Zm15-26c0-6.9-2-11-3.9-15.5 2.2 3.9 4.5 7.6 5.3 13.2l-1.4 2.3Zm-2 7.1c5.1-4.3 9.5-5.1 14-6.5 -4.2.7-8.4 1.1-13.2 4l-.9 2.5Zm-14.9 23.5c5.2-4.4 9.6-5.2 14.1-6.5 -4.2.6-8.5 1-13.2 3.9l-.9 2.6Zm-28.6 126.3c-7.8-5.6-18.2-4.8-24.7-9.2 -6.8-4.7 3.7-8.6-1.7-12 -5.4-3.5-12.5 3-19.9-1.7 -7.3-4.7-3.8-12.3-10-15.4 -6.3-3.1-8.9 5.7-16.1 1.2 -7.3-4.5-4.5-15-12.6-21 -7.8-5.7-6.4-14.3 2.4-14.2 5.9 0 10.4 4.9 19.1 5.2 8.8.3 5-4.3 11.1-1s4.9 12 11.5 17c6.7 4.9 15.2-4.7 20-.1 5 4.5-2.3 9.9 1 15.6 3.5 5.7 9-.3 14 8.3 5 8.6 6 27.3 6 27.3Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M572.9 788.2c-17-33.1-50.6-59.6-94.2-80.4 25.7 10.6 77.4 37 97.7 81.6l-3.5-1.2Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M539.7 745.8c-7-2.5-11.8-1.6-17-1.3 4.7-1 9.2-2 15.2-1l1.8 2.3Zm-26.5-19.1c-7.4-.6-11.8 1.4-16.8 3 4.3-2 8.4-4.3 14.4-4.8l2.4 1.8Zm7.3 3c-4.2-6.2-4.8-11.2-5.9-16.4 .4 4.8.6 9.6 3.3 15.1l2.6 1.2Zm23.9 18.5c-4.2-6.1-4.8-11.1-6-16.3 .5 4.8.7 9.6 3.3 15.1l2.7 1.2Zm30.3 95.2c5.8-6.6 6.3-16.4 11-21.9 4.8-5.8 7.1 4.6 10.7 0 3.7-4.6-1.2-12 3.7-18.3 5-6.3 11.3-2 14.8-7.4 3.4-5.4-4-9 .7-15.2 4.8-6.2 13.7-2.2 19.8-9 6-6.5 13.5-4 12.4 4.2 -.7 5.5-5.5 9-6.7 17.2 -1.3 8.1 5 10.2 1.5 15.4 -3.6 5.2-10.9 0-16 5.5s.2 12.9-4.3 16.8c-4.6 4-8.5-3.6-13.9-1.1 -5.4 2.4-.8 8.3-9 11.9 -8.1 3.5-24.7 1.9-24.7 1.9Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M563.2 847.5c31.1-11.6 58.3-39.4 81.5-77.3 -12.2 22.6-41.4 67.4-83 80.5l1.5-3.2Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M604.3 822.2c3-6.2 2.8-10.9 3-15.8 .4 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fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M525.2 906.6c6.8-36.5-12.8-78.4-38.3-118.7 16.1 22.4 52.2 73.9 40.7 121.6l-2.4-2.9Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M505.4 821.9c-6.2-4.4-11.7-5.1-17.2-6.4 5.2.5 10.5.9 16.2 3.6l1 2.7Z"></path></g></g><g transform="rotate(4.99999 93.2 577.1)"><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M527.3 890.5c-3.4-8.8-19.8-13-22.7-20.1 -3-7.6 9.1-5.3 6.6-11 -2.6-5.7-13.4-4-17-11.8 -3.4-7.8 5-12.3 1.3-18.2 -3.6-5.9-11.8 0-15.4-7.5 -3.5-7.6 6-14.8 2.7-24 -3.2-9 4-15.4 11.8-10.6 5.3 3.2 6.2 9.6 13.9 14.4 7.7 4.9 13.7-.6 17 5.4 3.2 6-6.7 11-4 18.5 2.8 7.6 13.6 5.6 15 12 1.2 6.3-9 6.9-9.7 13.4 -.7 6.5 8.3 4.5 7 14.3 -1.3 9.8-6.5 25.2-6.5 25.2Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M520 853.1c-4.7-5.7-13-9-18-11.4h0c6.37 1.79 12.39 4.67 17.8 8.5l.2 3Zm-10-24.9c.4-7.3 3.2-11.8 5.7-16.7 -2.9 4.2-5.9 8.3-7.2 14.3l1.6 2.4Zm12.5 26c.3-7.3-.1-9.7 2.3-14.6 -2.9 4.2-2.6 6.3-3.9 12.3l1.6 2.4Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M525.2 906.6c6.8-36.5-12.8-78.4-38.3-118.7 16.1 22.4 52.2 73.9 40.7 121.6l-2.4-2.9Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M505.4 821.9c-6.2-4.4-11.7-5.1-17.2-6.4 5.2.5 10.5.9 16.2 3.6l1 2.7Z"></path></g><g transform="rotate(-10 275 690.3)"><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M353.5 1034.1c9.8 1 18.8-5.3 26.7-4.7 9.8 7.2 10 6.4.3 9.9-9.3 18.7-9 8.8.4 9.2 9.2 16.3 8.7 7-.5 5.3-9.9 14-9.6 8.7.3 11 11.2 21 12.3 9.8 1.1 12.5 9.7 4.5 14.3 -5.3 3-11.7 1-19.7 5.4s-5.7 11.7-12.7 12c-7 .1-7.1-10.2-15.5-11.2 -8.3-.9-11.3 9-17.8 7.4 -6.5-1.6-2.4-10.3-8.1-13.7 -5.8-3.3-8 5-16.5-.2s-18-21.7-18-21.7Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M342.3 1026.2c30.8 21 73.5 27.4 122.6 23.2 -28.2 4-87.3 7.3-126.4-22.4l3.8-.8Z"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="4.3" d="M392 1047.2c7.4-1.4 11.5-4.8 16-7.9 -3.8 3.4-7.4 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25.7-2.6 34-4.8 -6.1 6-8.3 19.4-21.3 27 -13 7.6-34 4.9-34 4.9Zm52.6-30.3c-8.5 1.2-13.4-1.9-25.2 1m17 3.8c-8.6 1.2-14-3-25.6.4m15.6 5.3c-8.2 1.9-11.4-2.5-22.8 1.4m12.9 4.4c-8.2 1.8-9.3-2.9-18 2.2m9.1 2.9c-5.3 1-7.4-1-12.6 3.6m49.6-25c-5.3 6.8-5 12.6-13.4 21.4m5.2-16.6c-5.4 6.8-4.4 13.5-13.2 22m3.2-16.3c-5.7 6.2-3.5 11.2-12.6 19m2.7-13.2c-5.7 6.1-2.2 9.4-10.9 14.3m2-9.2c-3.5 4-2.8 7-9.4 9.1"></path><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="3.1" d="M1227.7-330.3l-26 15.1 -34.3 20.1 34.5-19.5 0 0c8.71-5.01 17.41-10.05 26.1-15.1"></path></g><g transform="translate(-31-20)"><path fill="#00A854" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="3.1" d="M1213.7-401.8s16.7 13 20.6 27.5c3.8 14.5-4.1 25.5-4.1 34.1 -4.3-7.4-16.6-13-20.6-27.5s4-34.1 4-34.1Zm15.7 58.7c1-8.6 5.3-12.4 5.6-24.6m-8 15.4c1-8.6 6.4-12.7 6.2-24.8m-9.2 13.7c.3-8.4 5.4-10.4 4.5-22.4m-7.5 11.3c.3-8.4 5.1-8.3 2.5-17.9m-5.2 8c.4-5.4 3-7-.2-13.1m11.3 54.4c-5.2-6.9-10.8-8.1-17.2-18.5m14.7 9.3c-5.2-7-11.9-7.7-17.8-18.4m14.9 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0c-.29 1.21-.39 2.45-.3 3.7v.7l-.4 4.1 -.2.5v.7h.1v.7l.4-1v-.7l.9-4.7v-.001c-.01-.04-.01-.07 0-.1l.6-.6c.1-.2.6-2 .5-3.3 -.1-2.7 3.5-3.5 4.7-2.1l1.1-1 -.001 0c.33-.47.6-.97.8-1.5v-.3 0c.07-.24.14-.47.2-.7v0c.08-.34.14-.67.2-1v-1l.1-1h-.001c.07-.41.17-.81.3-1.2v-.001c-.01-.07-.01-.14 0-.2l.2-.3 -.001 0c.03-.07.06-.14.1-.2v-.3h.2 -.9v0c-.14.02-.27.02-.4 0l-.7-.8 .3-1.3c.3-.7.6-.2 1.3 0v0c.72.2 1.4.54 2 1l.6.1h.2v-.3 -.001c0-.04 0-.07 0-.1v-.001c0-.04 0-.07 0-.1v0c-.05-.09-.12-.16-.2-.2l-.1-.1 -1-1c.1 0 .1 0 0-.2 0-.4-.3-.5-.8-.8v-.001c-.49-.32-1.03-.52-1.6-.6h-.2Z"></path><g transform="matrix(.15595 0 0 .15696 193.9 177.6)"><path fill="none" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-linecap="square" stroke-width="2.7" d="M356.8 323.8v0c-2.11 0-4.12.91-5.5 2.5v0c-1.89 3.22-2.92 6.86-3 10.6 -.1.8.2 1.4 0 2.2v0c-.62 1.64-1.19 3.31-1.7 5 -.7 4.2-.9 19.7-2 25.6 -1 6-6 14.6-8 17.4v0c-1.29 1.11-2.84 1.87-4.5 2.2 -.8.2-7.2-.5-7.2-.5 -8.4-.6-21-5.2-29.5-6.4 -8.4-1.1-18.7-.6-26.6-1.4 0 0-10-3.7-19.1-1 -9 2.6-14.1 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19.7Z"></path></g><g transform="matrix(.01517-.19478.17623.01677 116.1 336.6)"><path fill="#E7CA00" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="2.3" d="M325.5 722c12.7-20.2 22.2-13.3 42.4-34 17.3-17.7 22.6-60.3-7.8-61.3 4.5 51.5-15.3 52-29.2 79.7 .5 6.1-3.6 16-5.4 15.5Z"></path></g><g transform="matrix(.01033-.15961.1223.0163 152.5 322.4)"><path fill="#E7CA00" fill-rule="evenodd" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="3" d="M310.4 602.7l-10.5 5.6L250 762.1l18.1 40 17.2 2.6L306 803l30.7-138.4 8.7-56.5 -21-12.4 -14 6.9Z"></path></g><g transform="matrix(.01033-.15961.1223.0163 152.5 322.4)"><path fill="#E7CA00" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="3" d="M309.3 597.5l1.3 6.1c9.8-6.8 20.4-.2 23.3 15.6 2.9 15.8-3 39-13.7 56.7v-.001c-8.94 17.58-14.7 36.61-17 56.2 -1.8 18.8 1.9 41.7-2.2 62.6 -2.6 10-7.9 9.1-18.2 8.5 4.1 6.8 9.3 10.6 16 10.3 14.4-3.2 24.7-16.1 28.5-44.8h0c-5.32-24.41-1.85-49.91 9.8-72v0c14.15-13.23 23.42-30.85 26.3-50v0c1.96-13.79-1.48-27.8-9.6-39.1 -11.5-17.4-20.8-18-29.6-16.4l-15 6.3Z"></path></g><g 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45l-.4.6v0c-3.29-.55-6.3-2.21-8.5-4.7h-.001c2.38 2.42 5.6 3.85 9 4Zm6.8-13.6v0c-4.43-2.66-7.41-7.19-8.1-12.3 -1.4-8.7 5.8-18.6 13.3-19.6v0c.72-.13 1.46-.16 2.2-.1h-.001c-2.84 3.7-4.12 8.36-3.6 13 .4 2.8 1.5 5.4 3 7.6h-.001c-3.44 2.92-5.82 6.89-6.8 11.3Z"></path></g><g transform="matrix(.01517-.19526.17623.01113 117 337.6)"><path fill="#E7CA00" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="2.3" d="M258.3 689.2c-2 .6-4 .4-5.8-.8 -4.4-2.9-5.6-10.5-2.6-17 3-6.3 9-9.2 13.3-6.3l0-.001c1.75 1.23 3.02 3.03 3.6 5.1v0c-1.79-.55-3.72-.41-5.4.4 -4.7 2.2-7.1 8.6-5.4 14.3h-.001c.43 1.58 1.22 3.05 2.3 4.3Z"></path></g><g transform="matrix(.01517-.19526.17623.01113 117 337.6)"><path fill="#E7CA00" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="2.3" d="M262.4 694c-3-1-5.8-3.5-7.4-7.3 -3-7-.9-15.6 4.7-19.2v-.001c2.66-1.79 6.03-2.13 9-.9v0c-.57 3.27-.18 6.63 1.1 9.7v0c1.16 2.92 3.37 5.31 6.2 6.7v0c-2.64-.68-5.44-.21-7.7 1.3v-.001c-3.23 2.23-5.37 5.71-5.9 9.6Zm-5.1 49.4c-7-4.5-11.4-14-9.7-21.1 1.4-6 6.7-8.4 12.5-6.4v0c-2.66 5.69-3.16 12.16-1.4 18.2v0c1.12 4.67 3.98 8.74 8 11.4 -2.7.7-6 0-9.4-2.1Z"></path></g><g transform="matrix(.01517-.19526.17623.01113 117 337.6)"><path fill="#E7CA00" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="2.3" d="M251.7 770v0c-.36-.32-.69-.65-1-1 -5.6-6.5-7-16.9-3.2-23 3.7-5.8 10.7-6 16.3-.7 -3 6.5-2.3 15.4 1.6 22.2v0c-3.29-1.5-7.08-1.43-10.3.2h0c-1.24.56-2.38 1.3-3.4 2.2Z"></path></g><g transform="matrix(.01517-.19526.17623.01113 117 337.6)"><path fill="#E7CA00" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="2.3" d="M268 783.8c-5.3-.3-10.6-6.3-12.4-14.5 -2-9.1 1.3-17.6 7.3-18.9h.3c2.8 4.7 7.1 7.5 11.7 7.7v.2c-6.6 4.6-9.8 15.3-7 25l.2.5Zm-2.8-66.2c-6.6 2-14.4-2.7-17.5-10.7 -3-8 0-16.3 6.5-18.4 1.7-.5 3.5-.6 5.3-.3 1.5 4.7 4.3 8.4 7.6 10.5v0c-1.71 5.77-1.35 11.95 1 17.5v0c-.9.6-1.87 1.08-2.9 1.4Z"></path></g><g transform="matrix(.01517-.19526.17623.01113 117 337.6)"><path fill="#E7CA00" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="2.3" d="M270 727.9c-7-4.5-11.4-14-9.7-21.1 1.6-7.1 8.7-9.3 15.7-4.8h0c2.07 1.34 3.9 3.03 5.4 5v0c-4.75 6.73-5.87 15.37-3 23.1 -2.6.4-5.5-.3-8.5-2.2Z"></path></g><g transform="matrix(.01517-.19526.17623.01113 117 337.6)"><path fill="#E7CA00" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="2.3" d="M284.7 750.9c-3.7 7.6-11.2 10.5-16.7 6.3 -5.5-4-7-13.7-3.3-21.3 3.7-7.7 11.2-10.5 16.7-6.4s7 13.7 3.3 21.4Zm-9.3-47.8v-.001c-3.45 1.94-7.63 2.09-11.2.4 -6.2-3.4-7.6-12.5-3.2-20.4v0c2.7-5.11 7.68-8.6 13.4-9.4v0c2.1 2 5 2.96 7.9 2.6l.5.5c-8 3.4-12.2 13.3-9.4 22v0c.44 1.52 1.12 2.97 2 4.3Z"></path></g><g transform="matrix(.01517-.19526.17623.01113 117 337.6)"><path fill="#E7CA00" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="2.3" d="M284.2 666c1.2 8-4.1 15.3-10.5 16.2 -6.3.9-12.4-4.8-13.7-12.8v0c-.6-5.65 1.56-11.23 5.8-15 2.7 4.3 7 6.9 11.4 6.3 1.6-.3 3.2-.9 4.6-1.9v0c1.19 2.25 2 4.68 2.4 7.2Z"></path></g><g transform="matrix(.01517-.19526.17623.01113 117 337.6)"><path fill="#E7CA00" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="2.3" d="M287.2 705.7c-5.7 3-12.2-1.4-14.5-9.6 -2.3-8.3.5-17.5 6.2-20.4v0c1.65-.9 3.56-1.18 5.4-.8v0c-.66 1.15-1.23 2.35-1.7 3.6 -3.4 9-1.7 20 3.8 24.3 .9.7 1.8 1.2 2.8 1.5v0c-.61.54-1.28 1.01-2 1.4Z"></path></g><g transform="matrix(.01517-.19526.17623.01113 117 337.6)"><path fill="#E7CA00" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="2.3" d="M304.5 668v-.001c.41 2.64.07 5.34-1 7.8 -5.3-3.2-12.2 0-16 7.3v0c-4.55-2.22-7.67-6.59-8.3-11.6 -1.2-7.7 5-16.4 11.7-17.4v1c1.2 7.4 7.2 12.9 13.6 12.4v.4Z"></path></g><g transform="matrix(.01517-.19526.17623.01113 117 337.6)"><path fill="#E7CA00" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="2.3" d="M303.5 696.7c-4.3 9.2-12.9 13.3-19.2 9.2 -6.3-4.2-8-15.1-3.7-24.4 4.2-9.2 12.9-13.4 19.2-9.2 6.3 4.2 8 15.1 3.7 24.4Zm-14.1-41.5v0c-1.33 2.93-3.58 5.35-6.4 6.9 -6.3 3.1-14-.3-17-7.8 -3.1-7.4 1-18.5 7.2-21.7h-.001c2.58-1.29 5.61-1.29 8.2 0l-.1.6c-1.7 9.7 2 19.1 8 22Zm31.2-41h-.001c.37 2.5.06 5.06-.9 7.4 -2.5-3.1-5.8-5-9.4-4.5 -4.4.6-8.6 4.6-10.7 9.4v-.001c-2.37-2.4-3.91-5.48-4.4-8.8 -1.2-7.8 5.2-16.6 11.9-17.6 6.6-.9 12.3 6.2 13.5 14Z"></path></g><g transform="matrix(.01517-.19526.17623.01113 117 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stroke-width="2.3" d="M267.6 818c-5.7 2.5-12-1-14-7.9h-.001c-1.37-4.5-.67-9.37 1.9-13.3 4 3.4 9 4.4 13.8 2.1v0c1.07-.54 2.08-1.22 3-2h-.001c.74 1.17 1.32 2.45 1.7 3.8 .8 2.4.9 4.9.5 7.2v-.001c-2.19 2.42-3.77 5.34-4.6 8.5 -.7.6-1.5 1.1-2.3 1.5Zm8.5 29.3c-6.4 2.9-13.5-1-15.8-8.8 -2.3-7.8 1-16.5 7.3-19.4l1.5-.5v0c-.27 3.16.04 6.34.9 9.4 2 7.2 6.9 12 12.3 13v0c-1.29 2.74-3.48 4.96-6.2 6.3Z"></path></g><g transform="matrix(.01517-.19526.17623.01113 117 337.6)"><path fill="#E7CA00" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="2.3" d="M285.2 848.4c-6.2 2.8-13-1-15.2-8.4v0c-.97-3.27-.97-6.74 0-10 4 3.6 9.2 4.7 14 2.4v0c2.75-1.39 5.04-3.55 6.6-6.2v0c.67 1.13 1.21 2.34 1.6 3.6 2.3 7.4-.9 15.8-7 18.6Z"></path></g><g transform="matrix(.01517-.19526.17623.01113 117 337.6)"><path fill="#E7CA00" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="2.3" d="M293.1 863.4c-6.1 2.8-13-1-15.2-8.5v0c-.57-2.02-.77-4.12-.6-6.2 2.3.4 4.8 0 7.2-1v-.001c4.42-2.39 7.65-6.53 8.9-11.4 3 1.4 5.6 4.4 6.8 8.4 2.2 7.5-1 15.8-7 18.7ZM273 786c-2.8-1.8-5-4.8-6.3-8.6 -2.4-8.3 1-17.5 7.8-20.6 6.8-3.2 14.3 1 16.8 9.3 1.9 6.2.4 13-3.5 17.4v0c-3.14-2.04-7.1-2.34-10.5-.8 -1.7.8-3.1 1.9-4.3 3.3Zm46.8-134.5c1 6.6-5.5 17-12.1 18.4 -6.7 1.4-11-1.9-14-6.2 -3-4.4-4.3-10-2.6-15.2 1.7-5.2 6-10.4 10.4-12.3 4.4-2 7.4-1.2 11 1.7 3.5 3 6.3 7 7.3 13.6Z"></path></g><g transform="matrix(.01517-.19526.17623.01113 117 337.6)"><path fill="#E7CA00" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="2.3" d="M285.2 808.6c-6.2 2.8-13-1-15.2-8.5 -2.3-7.5.9-15.8 7-18.7 6.1-2.7 13 1 15.2 8.5 2.2 7.5-1 15.9-7 18.7Z"></path></g><g transform="matrix(.01517-.19526.17623.01113 117 337.6)"><path fill="#E7CA00" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width="2.3" d="M283.1 834.2c-6 2.7-12.8-1-15-8.4 -2.2-7.3 1-15.6 7-18.4 6-2.8 12.8 1 15 8.4 2.2 7.3-.9 15.6-7 18.4Z"></path></g><path fill="#E7CA00" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width=".4" d="M232.8 219.9l-.3.3 -11.3 14 -.2.3 .3.3c3.6 3.4 5.7 9.3 5.7 14 0 6-1 10-2.2 13.9 -1.7 5.2-3.8 9.8-4.5 17.5v0c-.45 4.81 1.06 9.61 4.2 13.3v0c2.1 2.55 4.73 4.63 7.7 6.1 5.9 2.8 12 1.8 18 2.6 2.6.3 4.1 2 5.5 3.5l.3.3 .3-.3c1.4-1.5 2.9-3.2 5.5-3.5 6-.8 12.1.2 18-2.6v0c2.95-1.44 5.58-3.49 7.7-6v0c3.15-3.72 4.67-8.55 4.2-13.4 -.7-7.7-2.8-12.3-4.5-17.5v0c-1.52-4.52-2.26-9.25-2.2-14h0c.09-5.22 2.12-10.21 5.7-14l.3-.2 -.2-.3 -11.3-14 -.3-.3 -.3.3v-.001c-3.14 2.75-7.24 4.15-11.4 3.9v0c-4.02-.26-7.91-1.54-11.3-3.7l-.2-.1 -.2.1h0c-3.4 2.16-7.29 3.44-11.3 3.7 -4 .2-8-1-11.4-4l-.3-.2Zm0 1.2v0c3.27 2.7 7.45 4.06 11.7 3.8v-.001c3.89-.19 7.68-1.36 11-3.4v41h-29.7v0c1.39-4.43 2.07-9.06 2-13.7v0c-.03-5.32-2.06-10.43-5.7-14.3l10.9-13.5Zm46.3 0l10.8 13.4 0 0c-3.6 3.89-5.64 8.99-5.7 14.3 0 5.8.9 10 2 13.7h-29.8v-41 -.001c3.34 1.99 7.11 3.16 11 3.4 4.1.2 8.2-.9 11.7-3.8Zm-53.6 42.3h61c1.7 5 3.7 9.5 4.3 16.9v0c.43 4.59-1.01 9.18-4 12.7v0c-2.04 2.42-4.56 4.4-7.4 5.8 -5.6 2.7-11.5 1.8-17.6 2.5 -2.8.4-4.5 2-5.8 3.5v0c-1.43-1.81-3.45-3.05-5.7-3.5 -6.2-.7-12.1.2-17.7-2.5v0c-2.85-1.4-5.37-3.38-7.4-5.8h0c-3-3.52-4.44-8.11-4-12.7 .6-7.4 2.6-11.8 4.3-17Z"></path><path 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1-.2 .3-.5.6-1.6.8-2.5l.5-1.5c.2 0 2.3 2.2 3.3 3.2l1.4 1.7c2.4 3 9 11.5 10.8 14.3l.9 1.4 -1.4-1.1c-4.7-4-12.3-8.4-15.2-9.3 -.8-.2-1 0-.6.4 2 2.7 7.7 7.6 9.2 8.8 1.6 1.3 1.6 1.8 1.5 1.9 0 0-1.1-.5-3-1 -4.6-1.7-5.8-1.7-5.2-1 .3.3 1 .5 1.7.6 2.3 0 8.4 2.7 12.6 5.5 2.7 1.8 9.2 8 10 9.6 .5 1 .4.8-1.3-.5h0c-2.68-2.09-5.64-3.78-8.8-5v0c-1.1-.05-2.17-.25-3.2-.6 -1.6-.4-4-.8-5.4-1l-2.4-.3 1.4 1.3v0c3.11 2.33 6.64 4.06 10.4 5.1h-.001c4.44 1.33 8.49 3.74 11.8 7 -.1 0-1.6-.5-3.4-1.3h0c-4.13-1.76-8.38-3.23-12.7-4.4 -1-.2-.6.2 1.9 2.6v0c1.95 1.8 4.02 3.47 6.2 5v0c9.41 6 20.24 9.45 31.4 10 2.4.3 4.1.7 4 .9 -.1.2 3.6.8 7.6 1.2v-.001c8.03.66 15.93 2.41 23.5 5.2v0c2.2.98 4.58 1.52 7 1.6 2.8.1 3.7.1 3.7-.3 0-.9-1.2-2.7-2.6-4 -1.2-1-2-1.6-6.9-2.5v0c-2.07-.28-4.11-.72-6.1-1.3 -.4-.2-6.5-1-13.5-2.2v0c-8.22-.72-16.3-2.57-24-5.5v0c-10.52-5.4-17.27-16.09-17.6-27.9v0c-.14-2.44-.07-4.88.2-7.3 .3-1.5.5-2.9.4-3 -.4-.3-3.5 5.9-4 8.3l-.2 1.5 -.2-2.8h0c-.03-5.96 1.9-11.76 5.5-16.5 0 0 2.3-2.2 2.6-2.8v-.1s0-.1 0 0v-.1c-1.7-.5-3.5.8-5.8 3 -1.5 1.4-1.7 1.8-1.8 1.7 .1-1.1 4.4-7.6 5.2-7.6v0c.6-.46 1.14-1 1.6-1.6 .5-1.2-2.5 1.6-4.7 4.6 -4.8 6.4-5.8 12.8-5.6 21.5v0c.06 1.56-.01 3.14-.2 4.7 -.2 0-1.4-3-2-5 -1.6-5.1.8-15.7 4.9-21l2.7-3.3c.5-1-2.8 2.7-4 4.6 -.4.6-.7 1-.8.8l.4-1.7h-.001c1.61-4.67 4.16-8.96 7.5-12.6 1.3-1.4 1.3-1.4.3-1 -2.4.6-4.6 2.5-7 5.2 -.6.9-1.1 1.4-1.8 2.1 .3-1 2.4-5.6 4.2-8.1 1.1-1.5 2.2-2.5 2.1-2.9 0-.3-1.2 0-2.8 1.3 -2.5 1.8-4 3.8-6.1 7.3 -1 2-.9 1.4-1.2 1.8 1.1-5.7 1.9-8.3 3.8-12 1.6-3.3 3.3-5.5 6.5-8.8 2.2-2.3 2.6-3 1.9-2.7v0c-2.81.95-5.35 2.56-7.4 4.7 -1.4 1.4-2 1.8-2 1.6 0-.2.8-1.3 2.1-3.4 2.9-4.4 7-9 11.3-11.8 2.1-1.4 5.4-3 5-3.2h-.001c-.04-.01-.07-.01-.1 0 .2-.4-1-.2-4 .7 -2.8 1-6 2.7-9.1 5.1 -1.3 1.1-1 .2 2-2.8v0c1.6-1.63 3.38-3.07 5.3-4.3 2-1.2 1.9-1.5.6-1.2 -3.1.6-9 4-10.8 6.1l-.2.2c-1 .5-1.9 1.8-1.7 1.3 .2-.6.7-1 1.8-2.8v0c3.35-5.28 7.95-9.64 13.4-12.7 1.4-.8 1.4-1.2.5-1.1ZM192.2 226Zm27.8-20v0c.03-.01.06-.01.1 0v0c-3.52 2.72-6.7 5.84-9.5 9.3h-.001c-2.41 3.26-4.39 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0-.2-1.4-.8-3-1.2h-.001c-13.81-4.71-22.15-18.73-19.7-33.1 .4-1.6 2.1-6.1 2.3-6.1Zm-26.7 1.3v0c. 2.38 10.84 5.69 15.4 9.8v0c1.34 1.38 2.51 2.93 3.5 4.6l1.3 2.5 -2.2-1.8h-.001c-1.67-1.27-3.4-2.44-5.2-3.5 -1.6-1-5-4-8-6.8 -2-2-4.3-4-5.4-5Zm6.7 17.1l.9.1 4.7 1h0c7.1 1.92 13.45 5.96 18.2 11.6l1.8 2.3 -1.8-1c-1-.5-1.8-1-1.7-1.1 .3-.4-3.9-3.9-6-5l-.001-.001c-2.29-1.12-4.62-2.13-7-3v0c-3.25-.84-6.31-2.3-9-4.3 -.3-.4-.4-.5-.1-.6Z"></path><path fill="#CAB313" fill-opacity=".5" d="M217.8 251.4c-1 .3-2.3 1.6-3.2 2.3 -1.8 1.3-2 1.8-.4.6 1.3-1 3.4-2.5 5.3-2.7 .2 0-.7.9-1.2 1.4 -.7.8-.5.7 1-.3l2-1.4c0-.3-2-.5-3.5 0ZM190 281.7c0 1 12.6 10.4 13.2 9.8l-3.7-2.5v0c-2.19-1.41-4.26-2.99-6.2-4.7 -1.4-1.2-3.1-3.2-3.3-2.6Z"></path><g transform="matrix(.47638 0 0 .46773 113 114.3)"><path fill="#FFF" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width=".9" d="M246.2 432.3v0c-5.31 1.7-10.97 1.94-16.4.7v0c-2.06-.31-4.15-.31-6.2 0l2.8 1.8c1. 3.1 1.7 -.4.4-.6.6-2.4 1.3 2.4.5 5.4.8 8.3.6v0c2.94-.12 5.86-.59 8.7-1.4l-.001-.001c2.93-.9 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stroke-width=".8" d="M293.5 417.7c1.2-1.4.8-2-2.5-2.4h-.001c-8.56-1.45-16.55-5.22-23.1-10.9 -2.2-2.3-3.1-2.5-3.1-.7 0 2 6.7 8.1 11.6 10.6v0c4.53 2.36 9.43 3.95 14.5 4.7 .8 0 1.9-.5 2.6-1.3Z"></path></g><g transform="matrix(.18999-.33346.71052.22504-81.5 310.7)"><path fill="#D91023" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width=".8" d="M289 420.6c0-.2 1.2-1.6-1.4-2.2v-.001c-7.08-1.57-13.63-4.95-19-9.8 -4.2-4.6-6.3-5.6-4.1-.7 1.6 4.6 14.3 11 19.3 12.6 5 1.6 4.4 1.3 5.1.1Z"></path></g><g transform="matrix(.18999-.33346.71052.22504-81.5 310.7)"><path fill="#ED1C24" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width=".8" d="M295.5 415.4l.8-1.4 -4-2.6c-4.7-.6-13-3.6-18.6-6.7v0c-1.89-1.18-3.95-2.06-6.1-2.6 -1.5 0-1.6 0 .1 1.9v0c6.15 5.43 13.7 9.03 21.8 10.4 2.3.4 4.7 2 6 1Z"></path></g><g transform="matrix(.47614.01506-.01519.46749 120 112.2)"><path fill="#FFF" stroke="#D4AF37" stroke-width=".9" d="M319.7 402.7v0c-6.95 2.24-12.87 6.88-16.7 13.1 -2 3-4 4.4-2.6 5 1.5.8 2.9-1.3 5.6-4 7-7 12.5-10 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"These icons are solid"
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Designer, Cricut
"Ce level de pixel-perfection 👌"
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“In love with these icons and website design overall 😍”
Designer, OneReach
"Lovely lil icons!"
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"Superb icons. 🙌"
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“...icon set you released is great! 🤝 Good work pal.”
Designer, Tailwind Labs
"Love those 😍"
Designer, Shopify
"What a beautiful icon set 💯"
Founder, Create Video
"Now that's an icon set. This is a must have for any web project. Super modular and broad range!

Well done 🔥"
Founder, Glorify
"These icons are solid"
Co-founder, The OG App (by Un1Feed Corporation)
Designer, Cricut
"Ce level de pixel-perfection 👌"
Design lead, IBM
“In love with these icons and website design overall 😍”
Designer, OneReach
"Lovely lil icons!"
Designer, Patreon
"Superb icons. 🙌"
Designer, Unacademy
“...icon set you released is great! 🤝 Good work pal.”
Designer, Tailwind Labs
"Love those 😍"
Designer, Shopify
"What a beautiful icon set 💯"
Founder, Create Video
"Now that's an icon set. This is a must have for any web project. Super modular and broad range!

Well done 🔥"
Founder, Glorify

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