Vector Falkland Islands flag

The Falkland Islands flag is a vibrant and historic symbol of the nation's identity. With its distinctive blue, white and yellow color scheme, the flag is easily recognizable, and it can now be easily reproduced in vector form with our free and easy-to-use copy as SVG feature. The Falkland Islands flag consists of a bright blue background with a white dolphin and a yellow Union Jack in the upper hoist corner. The blue background is symbolic of the ocean surrounding the Falkland Islands, while the white dolphin is a representation of the wealth, freedom, and strength of the islands. The yellow Union Jack in the corner celebrates the islands' ties to the United Kingdom. Our copy as SVG feature makes it easy to download the Falkland Islands flag in a variety of formats, including PNG, WEBP, JPG, SVG, and PDF files. It's the perfect way to add this vibrant symbol of the Falkland Islands to any project. Download your free vector Falkland Islands flag today and show your support for this small but beautiful nation.

Copy as SVG
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3.7 1.6l0 0c1.45.6 2.74 1.52 3.8 2.7v0c1.18 1.29 2.19 2.74 3 4.3 1 1.5 1.4 3.3 2.2 5.1 .4 1.8.8 3.5.8 5.5 .4 1.7.4 3.6.4 5.5 -.5 1.8-.5 3.8-1.2 5.5 0 2-.4 3.7-.7 5.1 -.3 1.7-.8 2.7-.8 4.8v5.5c0 1.8-.5 3-.7 5h0c-1.02 1.94-1.92 3.95-2.7 6v0c-1.18.81-2.19 1.82-3 3 -.8.7-1.2 1.4-1.1 1.7 1.5.5 1.1 1.6 1.1 3.5 .2 1.6.3 3.5.8 5.2 .1 1.8.5 3 1 4.3 . -1 .8-2.2.4-2.6-1.2v0c-.85-1.33-1.37-2.84-1.5-4.4 -.2-1.7-.5-3.5-1-4.7 -.3-2.2-.9-2.2-3-2.3 -1.1-1-2.5-1.2-4.6-1.2 -2 0-2.2-.2-2.3 2v5.5c-.4 1.6-1 2.9-1.5 4.3 -1.1.8-1.6 2.2-3 3.1 -.7 1.8-1.6 2.1-3.4 2.5l-2.2-2.8c1-1.8 2-2 2.6-4 .8-1.5 1.3-2.5 1.8-3.9 -.8-1.2-1.4-1.8-2.2-3.5v-.001c-.83-1.36-1.5-2.8-2-4.3 -1.1-.5-3-.6-4-1.2 -1.9-.5-2.3 1.6-4.5 1.6H404c-2.3 0-2.9 1.2-4.9 1.1 -.6.2-2 0-4.1 0 -1.6.6-3.5.4-5.3.4 -1.9 0-3.4-.5-4.9-.8 -1.7-.5-3.4-1-5.2-1.1 -2.3 0-3.1.1-4.6 1.1 -1.1.7-2.8 2.3-4 3.2 -.6 1.3-.9 3.5-1.7 5 -.3 1.7-1 2.6-1.5 4v0c-.6 1.53-.94 3.15-1 4.8 -.2 2.6-.7 2.3-2.3 1.5 -.6-1.1-1.6-2.3-2.3-3.6 .4-2 .8-2.9.8-5 -.4-1.7-1.2-1.5-2.2-.4 0 2 0 3.6-.9 4.7v0c-.32 1.25-1.11 2.32-2.2 3 -.5 1.6-1.8 2.3-3 2.9v-1.7c-.9-1.7 0-3.2 0-5.4 0-2-.1-3.3.4-5 0-2-.8-3.8-1.1-5.2 -.7-1.5-1.1-2.2-3-2.8 -1.4-.6-3.3-1.2-4.2-2.4v0c-.86-1.21-2.04-2.14-3.4-2.7 -1.6-.6-2.5-1.2-3.8-2 -1-1.3-2-1.8-2.6-3.5 -.8-1.2-.9-3.5-1.4-5.1v0c-.19-1.62-.59-3.2-1.2-4.7v-.001c-.17-1.64-.54-3.26-1.1-4.8l-1.1-5.1c0-1.9 0-3.8-.5-5.5v-5.5c-.2-1.6-.3-4-.7-5.1 0-2.2-.2-3.3-.8-4.8 -.8-1.4-.8-2-2.2-2.3 -1 1.2-2.5 1.8-4.5 2 -1.4-.3-3.3-.6-4.9-1.2 -1.5-.3-2.5-1-3.7-1.6v0c-.71-1.08-1.48-2.11-2.3-3.1 -.3-2-.7-3.1-.8-5.2 0-1.4 0-.6 1.6-2.7Z"></path><path fill="#FEFEFE" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M335.6 154.3l.3-.3c-.7.6-.4.3 1-.3 .9-.4 2.4-1.3 3-2 .6-.2 1.8-.7 2.4-1.3 .7-.8 1.4-1.5 2.4-2.2 1-.9 2-1.2 3.2-2 1.4-.1 2-.8 3.4-.3 1.3.3 1.9.3 3-.8 1-.6 2.2-1.4 2.6-2.4v-1.8c0 1.8-.4 2.5-1.6 3 -.8 1.1-2 2.2-2.4 3.2 -.9 1.2-1 1.8-1.8 2.4 -.8.9-2 1.4-2.2 2.9 .4.6 0 1 .9 1 .7.7 1.5.4 2.6 0v0c.83-.96 1.51-2.04 2-3.2l2-2.9c1-.6 1.5-1.1 1.8-2.2 1-.6 2-1.3 2.7-2 .8-.4 1.2-.8 2.4-1h0c.06 1.06-.22 2.11-.8 3 -.3 1.6-.2 2.3.3 3.3 .7.5.6 1 1 2 .5-1 .7-2.8.9-4v-.2c0 1.2 0 2.8-.4 3.6 0 1.7.5 2.4.9 3.6 .4.7.8 1 1.3 1.4 0-1.6.5-2.6.5-4 .4 1 .3 2.5.5 3.8 .1 1.3.6 2.2 1 3.3 .7.3.9 1.5 1.1.6 .7-2 .7-4.1 1.1-6.1 0-1.1.2-2.6.6-3.4l-.6 3.3c0-1 .2-2.5.6-3.3v-.3 0c.27 1.48.44 2.99.5 4.5 0 1.2 0 2.4.3 3.6 .8-.4 1.4-1.4 1.9-2.5v0c.54-1.08 1.21-2.09 2-3l-2 3h-.001c.54-1.08 1.21-2.09 2-3v-.3 0c-.15 1.26-.21 2.53-.2 3.8 0 1.3 0 2.8.3 3.7 .3 1.4.7 1.7.8 3.2 0 .8-.2 1.7.2 2 1.2.3 1.2-.3 1.3-1.9 0-1.8.5-3 .6-4.7 0- 1v0c.48 1.17.75 2.42.8 3.7 0 .8 0 1.6.3 2 1-.5 1.4-1.7 2-2.3l1.7-2.8c1.4-.2 1.3-.8 1.3-2.4 0-1.4 0-2.8.3-4v-.001c.43-1.18.8-2.39 1.1-3.6 .5-.3 1 .5 1.3 1.1 .6 1 .5 2.2.5 3.6v0c.34 1.18.81 2.32 1.4 3.4v0c.5.98 1.14 1.89 1.9 2.7 .2 1 .2 2.5.2 3.7 1-1.2 1.2-3 1.3-4.7 -.2-1.2-.2-2.8-.5-4v0c-.06-1.13-.26-2.24-.6-3.3 -.8-.4-1-.8-.2-2 .8-.7 1.8-.3 3.2-.2 .7.8 1 1.2 1 2.8 0 1.5 0 2.6.6 3.6 .5.8 1 1.4 1.3 2.7 .4.5.7 1 1.3.4 .3-.8.6-2.5.8-3.4 .3-1 .8-1.6 1.3-2 0 1.6 0 2.5.6 3.7l1.3 3c.6.5.7 1.3 1.4 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.5.6 1.4 1.3 2 2.1l2.5 2c1 1.1 1 1.9 1 3.6 .7.8.7 2.4 1 3.3 -.3 1.6-.8.3-1-.6 0-1.2-.6-1.1-1.5-.8 0 1.7.2 2.1.8 3.4v0c-.13.96-.47 1.88-1 2.7 -.7.4-.8-.8-1.4-1.3 0-1.7-.5-2-1.6-2.8v1.1c.6 1.2 1.3 2.2 1.4 3.9v0c.38 1.15.55 2.37.5 3.6 0 1.4 0 2.7-.3 4l-.2 3.5v7.8l0 0c-.22 1.18-.32 2.39-.3 3.6l.3-3.6c-.2 1-.3 2.2-.3 3.6v.3c-.5-1.4-1-2.6-1.4-4.1v-.001c-.8-.84-1.41-1.83-1.8-2.9l-.5-3.5c-.4-1-.8-2-1.7-1.4 -.3 2 .2 3.2.9 5.2 .4 1.3.4 2.4.8 3.7 .6 1.4 1.1 1.6 0 3.2 -.6 1-.8 1.2-1 2.3 -1 .5-1.3.8-1.4 2 -.3-1.1-1.1-2.4-1.6-3.6l-1.3-4c-.7-1-1.4-2.4-2.1-3 -.8-.9-1.7-2.5-2.2-3.3 -1-1.2-1.3-2-2.2-2.5 -.1-.6-.4-1.3-1-.8 0 1.3 0 2.7.3 3.8 .3 1.6.7 2.5.8 4.1v3.1c-.6-1.6-1.4-2.9-1.9-4.4 -.6-.9-1-2.5-1.8-3 -.5-1.2-.8-2-1.4-2.8 -.1-.8-.5-.8-.8-1.4 0 1.5.5 2.1.8 3.3h0c.5 1.05.71 2.23.6 3.4 -.7-2-1.3-4.1-2.2-5.9 -.8-1.1-1.6-2.6-2-3.7 -.9-.9-1.7-1-2.5-1.6v0c-.71-.32-1.33-.8-1.8-1.4 .1 1.5.7 2.5 1 3.6 .2 1.4.9 2.5 1.1 3.7 -.3 1.9-.8-.6-1-1.4v0c-.23-1.19-.71-2.32-1.4-3.3 -.8-.6-1.3-1.5-2.2-2 -.8-.3-.5 0-.5 1 0 1.8 0 3 .5 4 .6.8.6 1.8.6 3.3 0 1.4-.3 2.5-.3 4v2.1c-.6-1.1-1.2-1.9-1.6-3.3 -.9-1.3-1.2-2.2-1.8-3.6 -.6-.3-1.7-.5-2.2 0 .1 1.4.8 2 .9 3.6 -1.1 1-1 1.4-1.7-.3 -.5-1.3-1.3-1.2-2.1-2 -1.3 0-.9-1-1.3-2.2 0-1 0-2.1-.3-3 -1.5 0-2.3 0-3.2.8 -.4.8-.2 2.4 0 3.7v3.8c-.3 1-.8 1-1 2.3 -.6 1.1-.7 2.4-1.1 3.2 -1 1-.6 1-1-.5v-9l.2-3.5c-.5-1.1-.7-1.4-2.5-1.4 -.3.7-.1 2 0 2.8 0 1.4.2 2.7.3 3.6 0 1.5.2 2.4.3 3.6 0 1.5-.3 2.6-1 3.3 -1 .3-.2 1-1.1 1.2v0c-1.1-.52-2.11-1.19-3-2 -1-.3-2-.5-3.4-.5 -1.8 0-1.8-.3-2.4-1.6v0c-.47-1.47-.81-2.98-1-4.5 -.7-1.3-.8-2.2-1-3.7v-.001c-.38-.81-.97-1.5-1.7-2 -.4 1.5-.8 2.7-.8 4.3 -.3.6-.4 2.3-.5 3 -.6-.8-.8-2.4-1.1-3.6 -.5-1.6-1-2.7-2.7-2.2 -1.7 0-1.8 0-1.8 2l2 3.2v4c0 1.6.2 2-1 2.4 -.4-1.6-1.4-3.3-2.4-4.7 -.1-1-.4-.8-1.6-.8 -.7 0-1.4-.1-1.8.3v2.4c-.7.2-.9 0-1.3-.5 -.5.8-.1 2 0 3h-.001c-.25 1.1-.69 2.15-1.3 3.1 -.2-.4-.5-.2 0-.2l-5-1.6c-.8 0-1.5.9-2 1.6 -1.4.4-2 .8-3.5.8 -1.4 0-2.1.3-3.4.3 -1 .2-2.2.3-3.5.3 -.7-.3-2-.3-2.4-.6 .6-.8 1.2-1.2 1.7-2.4v0c.72-.61 1.39-1.28 2-2l2.2-2.3c.4-1.4 1-1.6 1.9-2.2 1.6 0 1.8.6 3.4.8 1.5.6 2.4.9 3.3-.3 1.2-.5 2.2-1.4 3.6-1.6l2.7-1.6c1.2-.8 1.6-1.5 2.6-2.3 .3-1.2 1.2-2 .8-3.3 -1.4-.4-2.3-.3-3.2.5 -1 1-1.3 1.4-2.6 2.2 -1 .3-1.7.8-3 1.2 -1 .4-2.4.2-3.6.2 -1.2 0-2.8 0-3.5.3v0c1.13-.84 2.37-1.52 3.7-2 1-.7 1.5-1 3-1 .6-.9 1.3-.9 1.6-2.3 .4-1.6-1-1.1-2.2-.5 -1 .2-2.3 1-3.2 1.3v0c-1.1.36-2.25.56-3.4.6 -.4-.5.2-.9.5-1.6 1.2-.5 1.4-.7 1.6-2 -1.4.2-2 .7-3.3.8 -1.3.4-2.7.5-4.2.6h-3.7c-1.3 0-2-.3-3.5-.3 -1-.6-1-.8-1-2.5 .8-1 1.6-.8 3.2-.8l2.9-1.4c1-.2 1.6-.6 1.4-1.1h-3.8c-1.5-.7 0-.9.8-1.4 1.3 0 2.6 0 3.5.5 1.6 0 2.2-.6 3.5-1.6 1-.8 1.4-1.4 2.6-2 .8-.9 1.6-1.4 2-2.2 1.2-1 2-1.6 2.5-2.5 .7-.4 1.2-.8.8-1.4 -1.7.2-2.4.8-3.5 1.6v0c-.57.67-1.25 1.24-2 1.7v-.001c-1.04.72-2.25 1.13-3.5 1.2 -1.4 0-2.4-.3-3.8-.3 -1.4-.2-.1-.5.3-1.2 .6-.3 1-1.2.6-1.9 -1.2-.4-2.5-.3-3.8-.3h-3.7c-1.4 0-2-.3-3-.8 -.2-.8 0-.6 1-.6v0c1.21-.02 2.42-.19 3.6-.5 1.2-.4 1.4-.9 1.6-2.2 -1.3 0-2.7 0-3.5-.3Zm-23-6.3c-.3-2-.7-3.1-.8-5.2 0-1.4 0-.6 1.5-2.7 .2 0 1.2-1 2.3-2 1.4-.7 2.7-1.6 4-2.4 1.1-.5 3.3-1 4.2-1.5v0c1.35-.64 2.54-1.56 3.5-2.7 0-1.8.3-3.1.3-5.1l4.1-2c2-.6 2.3-1.3 4.2-1.6 1.2-.4 3.2-.4 4.9-.4 1.9 0 3 1.4 4.7 1.6 2 .8 3 1.4 4.5 2.8 .9 1.1 1.5 2 3 2.9 1.2.7 2.4 1.6 3.8 2 0 1.4.3 1.2-.7 1.2 -.2 1.4-.5 1.4-1.9 1.4v0c-.98-.52-1.8-1.28-2.4-2.2 .6-1.5.2 1.1 0 1.6 -.7.6-1 1.1-1.8.6 -.5-1.4-.8-2.3-.8-4 -.3-1.7-.7-.4-1 .3 -.5 1.5-.3 2 .2 3.1l-3.5-.2c-1-.3-2 0-3.2.4 -1.4 1-1 1-.3 2 1.3.4 2.2 1 3.3 1.6 1.1-.1 2.4-.5 3.7-.8 1.3-.4 2.4 0 3.7 0 .7.4 1.5.5 1.9.8 0 1 0 1.8-.3 2.3 -.5.4-1 1.4-2 1.6v0c-1.12.67-2.34 1.18-3.6 1.5 -1.6 0-2.3.4-3.5 1 -.1 1.5-.6 1.9-1.9 2.3v0c-1.12.56-2.35.87-3.6.9 -.8 0-1.6 0-1.9-.4v0c.89-.93 1.6-2.02 2.1-3.2 .3-.6.8-1 .3-1.5 -1.6 0-2 0-2.2 1.6 -.1 1.6-.7 1.8-1.8 2.3 .3-1.3.4-2.4.8-3.6h-.001c-1.13.19-2.27.29-3.4.3 -.8.6-1.2.7-.8 1.6 -1.1.4-2.5.2-3.8 0 -1.1 0-.5-.5-1.3-1 -.6-1.1-1.1-1.4-2.4-1.4 -.6.8-1.7 1-2.4 1.6 -1.2.4-1.9 0-3-.5 -1.2 0-1 .4-.8 1.4 .6.3 0 .7.9.8 .8.7 1.4.8 2.9.8 1.1-.2 2.4-.2 3.7-.2 1.3 0 1.1.3 1.1 1.6 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2-1.7 2.6 -.6.8-1.5 1.3-2.4 1.6 -.8.4-1.8.5-2.1 1.5 -1.5.6-1.6.5-3.4-.6Zm5.1 8l3-2.7v0c.71-1.07 1.59-2.01 2.6-2.8 .8-1.2 1.8-2 2.4-3l2.1-2.8c0 1.2-.1 2.8.3 3.5h0c.09 1.18-.19 2.37-.8 3.4 -.6 1-1 1.6-2.5 2.3 -1.1.6-1.9.8-2.8 1.6h-.001c-.81.52-1.64.99-2.5 1.4 -.7.3-.4.2-1.8-.8Zm-8.3 6.4h.3c-.8 0-.4.1 1.1-.8 1.1-1.1 2-1.6 3.4-2.2v0c1.14-.04 2.26-.32 3.3-.8 .6-.2 1-.6 1.5 0 .9 1.1 1.1 1.5-.2 2.2l0 0c-.8.64-1.72 1.11-2.7 1.4 -.6.6-2 .6-3.3.8 -1 0-1.6.2-2-.6l2.1.6c-1 0-1.6.2-3.5-.6Zm11.4 0v-.2c0 .8 0 .4.6-1.2 1-1.5 1.4-2.4 2.7-2.7 .6-.8 1.6-1 3-1.4 .4.8 0 1.8 0 2.8 -.4 1-1.4 1.7-2 2.5 -.8.6-1 1.1-2.4 1.4 -1 0-.4 0-1.8-1.2Z"></path><path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M330 136.2c0 .8-.5 1.4-1.3 1.4s-1.4-.6-1.4-1.4c0-.8.7-1.4 1.4-1.4 .8 0 1.3.6 1.3 1.4Z"></path><g transform="matrix(1.204 0 0 1.26-90.3-390)"><path fill="#005120" fill-rule="evenodd" stroke="#002B0D" stroke-width="1.333" d="M351.8 479.6h.9c-2.8 0-1.1-.2 3.5 3.5 2-1.6 2-1.8 3.5 1 1 1.5 1.2-.2 2.7-1.8 .7 3.2 1.1 6.5 3.5 3.5 2.8 0 5.6-.2 7.1.9 1.8 3.3 1.2-.6 2.6.9 4 .4 3.9-3.4 8.1-4.4 2.6 3.3 3.8.8 7-.8 2.5.6 4.8 4.3 5.3.7 2-3.2 2.1-3 3.5 0 2 1.8 2.8-.8 4.4-1.7 3 1.7 6.3 2 10.6.9 .8 2.9 2.6 1.6 4.5.8 3.9 1.7 5.2 2.2 9.7 0 2.2-2.6 1 .1 2.6 1.8 3.3-1 2.4-1.2 6.2-.9 3.9 0 4.2 0 5.3-2.6 2 1.9 2.6 3.3 5.3.9 4.2 0 2.9.5 5.3-1 1.9 4 2.3 1.2 4.5 2.7v-.001c-1.24 2.95-3.42 5.41-6.2 7 -1.7 3-2.8 6-6.2 7.2 -2.5 2.5-5.2 4-8 6.2 -3.8 1-8 .8-12.3.8H388c-2.6 1.4-7 2-10.6 2.7 -4 0-8.7 0-11.5-.9 -1.9-1.9-5.2-4-7-6.2 -2-1.5-2-4.4-3.6-6.2 -1.4-2.5-2-6.5-3.5-8.8Z"></path></g><g transform="matrix(1.204 0 0 1.26-90.3-390)"><path fill="#005120" fill-rule="evenodd" stroke="#002B0D" stroke-width="1.333" d="M437.5 487.6v.8c0-2.4.1-1.1-1.8 3.6 -.3 1.1-1.2 1.4-2.6 1.8m-3.5-2.7h.9c-3.3 3-5.5 4.5-6.2 8l6.2-8c-3.3 3-5.5 4.5-6.2 8m-7.1-12.4s-.1 3.1-.9 4.4m-2.6 1.8v.8Zm-7.1-5.3h.9 -1c.4 0 .7 0 0 0Zm-49.5 0c.4 0 2.2 2.8 4.4 4.4 -.5 2.6-1.4 5.6 0 8m2.7-7.1c.4 0 2.1 2.8 4.4 4.4l-4.4-4.4c.4 0 2.1 2.8 4.4 4.4v.9c0-2.8-.2-5.6.9-7.1 1 1.7 2.2 4.3 2.6 1.8 5-.2 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New Caledonia
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North Macedonia
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Northern Mariana Islands
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Papua New Guinea
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Pitcairn Islands
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Puerto Rico
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Republic of China
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Republic of the Congo
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"These icons are solid"
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Designer, Cricut
"Ce level de pixel-perfection 👌"
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“In love with these icons and website design overall 😍”
Designer, OneReach
"Lovely lil icons!"
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"Superb icons. 🙌"
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“...icon set you released is great! 🤝 Good work pal.”
Designer, Tailwind Labs
"Love those 😍"
Designer, Shopify
"What a beautiful icon set 💯"
Founder, Create Video
"Now that's an icon set. This is a must have for any web project. Super modular and broad range!

Well done 🔥"
Founder, Glorify
"These icons are solid"
Co-founder, The OG App (by Un1Feed Corporation)
Designer, Cricut
"Ce level de pixel-perfection 👌"
Design lead, IBM
“In love with these icons and website design overall 😍”
Designer, OneReach
"Lovely lil icons!"
Designer, Patreon
"Superb icons. 🙌"
Designer, Unacademy
“...icon set you released is great! 🤝 Good work pal.”
Designer, Tailwind Labs
"Love those 😍"
Designer, Shopify
"What a beautiful icon set 💯"
Founder, Create Video
"Now that's an icon set. This is a must have for any web project. Super modular and broad range!

Well done 🔥"
Founder, Glorify

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